Thursday, April 12, 2018

Wallenberg page 1

Wallenberg page 1 by ric Gustafson

56-58 Am Grossen Wannsee was a villa on the outskirts of Berlin.  On January 20 1942, bureaucrats, SS officers and Gestapo officials walked into a large dining room. At a long table waiting for them was SS General Reinhard Heydrich. He was a musically gifted and former Catholic. He was in charge of the Gestapo, SD and Kripo. He studied the fifteen men around the table. Next to Heydrich was 36 year old Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann. He was taking the minutes.
Heydrich started the meeting by saying he had a new major responsibility from Hitler. His new task was to come up with a solution to the Jewish problem.
Later, several questions arose. When would this start? How can millions of Jews be transported to camps? and what about half Jews?. Later after everyone had left, Heydrich, Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller and Eichmann drank around a roaring fire.
The Final Solution had begun.

research help: ' The Envoy' by Alex Kershaw

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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