Thursday, April 5, 2018

I was there page 25

I was there page 25 by ric Gustafson

Pilate and I walked out to the Stone Pavement. He now stood in front of the unruly crowd. " I do not find the prisoner guilty of anything deserving death". His tired voice hesitated. " He has been scourged therefore I will have him released".
Caiaphas yelled. " If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar's".
Pilate's head dropped. He turned to me. " Bring out the prisoner".
I walked in and brought out Jesus.
Pilate pointed at Jesus. " Here is your King".
The crowd yelled. " Crucify him".
" Shall I crucify your King?".
Caiaphas yelled back. " We have no king but Caesar".
Pilate nodded to an assistant. " Bring me a basin of water". Shortly it was put in front of him. He spent a long time washing his hands in front of the crowd. " I am innocent of the blood of this man".He stared at the crowd as he dried his hands with a towel. " You yourselves see to it".

research help: ' The soldier who killed a King' by David Kitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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