Sunday, April 8, 2018

I was there page 27

I was there page 27 by ric Gustafson

As I led the execution detail, I remembered something. I motioned to one of my men. " Go and bring me the crucifixion notices". I was still upset that Barabbas had gone free. He had killed two of my men.
Jesus was walking slowly and in pain. He was being mocked by the angry mob following us. We were walking way too slowly. At one point, Jesus fell and could not get up.
We made it to the market section of the route. Jesus fell again. I halted the procession. Jesus got back up and we slowly started walking again. When we reached the Fish Gate, Jesus fell again. I knew at that point, he could not carry it any longer.
I looked around and noticed a tall young man. " You there". I pointed at Jesus. " Carry this man's cross".
He walked over and easily shouldered the cross beam.
We went through the Fish Gate and then up the hill toward Golgotha.

research help: ' The soldier who killed a King' by David Kitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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