Thursday, April 5, 2018

Titanic 2018 page 6

Titanic 2018 page 6 by ric Gustafson

As Colonel and Mrs Astor walked on deck, fear and confusion was starting. Husbands were coming out with wives and children. Families were gathering together. Many had come up hastily with whatever they could put on. There was mass confusion in steerage. By the time they were able to get to the boat deck, many of the life boats were already lowered. Some of the steerage men tried to get into the boats and were shot by the ship's officers.
The order went out for women and children in the life boats first. Many of the women refused to get in. Some stayed with their spouses. Women, children and those who did get in the boats were carefully lowered. Most of the life boats on the port side were not capsized. Four on the starboard side were capsized.
It was a heart wrenching scene. Fathers were saying goodbye to their wives and children. Six men were shot for trying to get into the boats. There was an explosion when the bulkheads exploded. Stokers and others from down below came up and fought to get into the remaining life boats. As the band played ' Nearer My God to thee' and ' Autumn', the stern of the liner went down. At least 100 men were still on board when it sank.

research help: ' On Board the Titanic' by Dover Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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