Thursday, April 12, 2018

I was there page 30

I was there page 30 by ric Gustafson

After a while, Jesus cried out. " I thirst".
I motioned to one of my men. He walked over to a nearby jar of wine. He dropped a sponge into it. Then he put it on a reed. He held it up to the lips of Jesus.
Later, Jesus cried out. " It is finished". There was victory in his voice. " Father, into your hands I commit my spirit". His head dropped forward. It was over.
Then the earth rumbled as if it was an earthquake.
Scared, I fell to the ground.
My pent up emotions finally hit me.
" He really was the Son of God".

The End

research help: ' the Soldier who killed a King' by David Kitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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