Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I was there page 8

I was there page 8 by ric Gustafson

It was one in the afternoon on Tuesday April 4. I was at the Fish Gate making final preparations for Herod to arrive. Tether lines had to be inspected. I ordered one of my men to the stables at the Hippodrome. My thinking about this Jesus was that he was dangerous. Near the gate, I noticed the young boy whose leg was healed by that Jesus. He was running and jumping with joy.
Just then, one of my men reported in.
" Flavius Sir". His voice hesitated. " Herod is coming at four this afternoon".
I scratched my chin. " Which way is he coming?".
" Through the Fish Gate".
" Ok".
" One more thing Sir". He pointed toward the merchants crowded near the gate. " We have been ordered to clear these merchants away from this gate".
" Ok".

research help: ' The Soldier who killed a King' by David Kitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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