Monday, February 19, 2018

I was there page 4

I was there page 4 by ric Gustafson

I walked up to the temple grounds. I entered the Court of the Gentiles. This was as far as I could go at the risk of death. This Jesus was there with a large group of people. Looking at him, I could tell he was not happy. He yelled at the money changers that his Father's house had been turned into a den of thieves. Then he walked over and began to turn over their tables. Then he walked over and toppled the dove cages. Frightened merchants ran for the exit. Temple guards were dumbfounded. Then he exclaimed that the temple should be used as a house of prayer.
Jesus noticed a young boy walking with a crutch. Jesus walked over and put his hands on his leg. It healed instantly. Then a young blind boy came to Jesus. His family told Jesus that he had been that way since age 5. Jesus put his hand over the empty socket and restored the eye.
Just then, a delegation from the high priest arrived. They had heard about the commotion and came to investigate. The crowd dispersed along with Jesus.

research help: ' The Soldier who killed a King' by David Kitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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