Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I was there page 1

I was there page 1 by ric Gustafson

My name is Flavius Artemis. I am a centurion. It was four in the afternoon on Sunday April 2. I was witnessing something I had never seen before. Normally on this day, Passover pilgrims would be entering the city in caravans. This year was different.
I was standing on a wall watching as people were laying palm branches in front of someone coming into the city. He was sitting on a donkey and people were laying cloaks in front of him. The people were chanting " Hosanna to the Son of David". At that point, I figured I was witnessing the entry of a King.
I had extra soldiers posted all over the city. I wondered what to do next. I noticed that nobody in the large crowd was carrying any weapons. I watched the man the people were praising. There was something different about him. As he passed, a strange feeling came over me. I decided to do nothing and let everyone enter the city.

research help: ' The Soldier who killed a King' by David Kitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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