Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I was there page 7

I was there page 7 by ric Gustafson

It was noon on Tuesday April 4. I had just arrived at the Antonia Fortress. I told the six men with me to make room for Herod's troops near the Serpent's Pool. I walked up a flight of stairs to see Pontius Pilate. He was eating a meal of cooked cheese. He saw me walk in.
" Ah Flavius". He waved me over to a nearby chair. " So tell me about this subversive you've been observing".
" He's a rabbi from Galilee". my voice lowered. " His name is Jesus of Nazareth".
Pilate kept eating. " So tell me about this rabbi?".
" He caused a huge stir Sunday when he entered the city".
" So what did you do?".
" I decided to have him followed".
Pilate kept eating. " So what has he been preaching?".
" A lot of people believe he is the Messiah".
" A Messiah!". He gave Flavius a strange stare. " I hope he will not interfere with Herod's visit".
" No". Flavius stood up. " Herod will be dining with you at the Praetorium later today".
" Good".

research help: ' The Soldier who killed a King' by David Kitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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