Tuesday, August 1, 2017

4343 Tulip Lane page 4

4343 Tulip Lane page 4 by ric Gustafson

Roger was biking home on Tulip Lane when he passed 4343. He noticed a sign saying ' Open House'. He got off his bike, locked it and walked through the open front door. The front foyer was decked out in white and red balloons.
" Hello Roger".
He turned to see a young dark bearded man behind the front counter. He smiled. " I've been waiting for you".
Roger stared at the young man. " How did you know I was coming?".
The young man pointed around. " Welcome to my house Roger".
" How did you know my name is Roger?".
" I've been waiting for you". He opened a white ledger. " See your room is ready".
" My room?".
Jesus smiled. " I've been preparing a room  for you for a long time now".
" You have?".
" Would you like to see it?".
Roger thought about his wife and his life. " Sure".
Jesus and Roger walked upstairs.

The End

research help: ' The Day Jesus Died' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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