Wednesday, August 30, 2017

a great cloud of witnesses page 4

a great cloud of witnesses page 4 by ric Gustafson

Charlie ran up to the nine mile marker. His legs felt as if they could go no further. His eyes were stinging from the heat and he was getting very tired. He noticed the water station on the right. He stopped under the flap.
An old man, wearing a faded white robe and carrying a staff, smiled and handed him a cup of cold water. " You look thirsty young man".
" I am". He gulped down the water. " Thank you I needed that".
" Your welcome". He smiled as he handed some water to another runner. " I know what it's like to be thirsty in a hot place".
He stared at the old man. " You sound like Moses in the desert".
" That's interesting that you said that". He smiled. " Because my name is Moses".
" The burning bush Moses?".
" That's right Charlie". He smiled again. " I'm here to give you encouragement".
" Encouragement?".
" To encourage you to finish this last three miles". He grinned. " And not to give up".
Smiling, Charlie ran out of the tent.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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