Tuesday, August 22, 2017

the Wolf's Mercedes page 1

the Wolf''s Mercedes page 1 by ric gustafson

It was June of 1948 and Christopher Janus was working at the Chicago Board of Trade building in Chicago. Janus was the managing director of exporting and importing. One day, he received a call from Stockholm Sweden. His company had just exported thirty five thousand dollars worth of machinery including a large shipment of ball bearings. The Swedish contact did not have enough greenbacks for the deal. A trade was suggested. The Swedish contact had a car in mind.
It was not just any car. It was Adolf Hitler's car. It was a custom built 1941 custom built Mercedes Benz Grosser 770 k model open touring car. Janus knew that such a car would be a great attraction for charity. And also to make a profit on his investment. He agreed to the deal.

research help: ' the Devil's Mercedes' by Robert Klara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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