Thursday, August 3, 2017

the return of the Shootist page 2

the return of the Shootist page 2 by ric Gustafson

Mr Dobkins smiled. " So what's your name kid?".
" It's not kid". He grinned. " It's Gillom Rogers".
" Fine". He noticed the pistols. " Gillom, you better hide those Remingtons".
Gillom slid the pistols under the waistband of his woolen trousers.
Dobkins took out a notebook and a pencil from a coat pocket. " So J B Books asked you to summon those three men to the Connie".
" That's right".
" So what were the names of the three gunslingers?".
" Jay Cobb, Jack Pulford and a Mexican nicknamed Cross Eye".
Dobkins wrote in his notebook.
" Why those three?".
" Mister Books was dying of cancer and was hoping that one of the three would save him from doing himself in".
" So Books had cancer?".
" Doc Hostetler told him that he did not have much time to live".
" So after killing all three men, he asked you to end his life".
" Yes". He grinned. " I blessed him with a bullet".
He put away his notebook. " Your story is going to be front page news tomorrow".
Gillom smiled.
" Gillom Rogers, you are going to be famous".

research help: ' The Last Shootisr' by Miles Swarthout

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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