Tuesday, August 15, 2017

the fork in the road page 3

the fork in the road page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jose opened the trunk and took out the three brown suitcases. He struggled to take out the large blue suitcase. Alvin put the suitcases on a large wheeled cart. He noticed that the blue suitcase was a lot heavier than the other three.
" Thank you Jose". He paid the cab driver. He walked the cart inside the airport entrance. He walked up to the roped off check in area.
" We'll take those" exclaimed a luggage searcher.
" Thank you". He walked up to the front counter. He gave his itinerary to the young counter clerk.
He looked up at Alvin. " Flying straight through to Bay River Florida".
" Yes".
The suitcases were put on the conveyor belt.
After a while, he was handed his itinerary back. " Your all set". He smiled. " Gate A5".
After Alvin boarded the plane, he sat down.
As he waited for the plane to take off, he was still pondering where that blue suitcase came from.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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