Monday, August 14, 2017

the fork in the road page 2

the fork in the road page 2 by ric Gustafson

Alvin Walters heard the music coming from the little white clock. He quietly turned it off. He reached over and gave his wife a peck on the cheek. He got up, shaved, showered and put on his clothes he had set out.
He sat down three brown suitcases by the front door. He sat down at a kitchen nook and had a bowl of cereal and wheat toast. He studied his trip itinerary. He glanced at a clock on a wall. He knew the cab was coming soon. He walked back up to the bedroom.
Eleanor Walters heard a noise and opened her eyes. Her husband was sitting on the edge of the bed. " Is it time already?". She yawned and then glanced at the little white clock.
Alvin smiled. " The cab will be here shortly".
" How long is the conference?".
He heard the honk of the cab. " One week".
She yawned. " Where is the conference again?".
" Bay River Resort". He gave her another peck on the cheek. " Go back to sleep the cab's here".
She rolled over and went back to sleep.
He walked back downstairs and opened the front door.
A cab driver named Jose smiled. " Good morning sir".
" Morning". He helped him take the three suitcases to the trunk of the cab. As Jose opened the trunk, Alvin looked at his cell phone. He turned around and noticed the suitcases. Confusion came over his face. " What is that suitcase doing there?". A big blue suitcase was sitting in between the three brown ones.
" I don't know sir?". He put the three brown suitcases into the trunk with ease. He struggled to put the blue one in. " Sure is heavy". He closed the trunk.
Alvin and Jose got in and left.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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