Friday, August 25, 2017

the Wolf's mercedes page 3

the Wolf's Mercedes page 3 by ric Gustafson

Writers from the The New Yorker asked Janus if they could have a ride in Hitler's car. They met him at Zumbach Motors. He showed them some things that he had discovered. In the passenger side door was a secret compartment for a Luger pistol. A sheet of armor plating could be hand cranked for protection. The total numbers of seats could be eight. As they drove around Central Park, some people cheered and some people booed.
Janus accepted an invitation to put the car on a short term exhibit at Rockefeller Center. The huge center and it's joining Radio City Music Hall was not physically suited for such a large vehicle. In order to get it inside the second floor, a plate glass window had to be removed. Word spread and crowds flocked in to see Hitler's car. Being there for thirty days, was a huge success. Many bogus stories about the car emerged. One true story was that the car was given to Carl Gustaf Mannerheim as a seventy fifth birthday present. Mannerheim had taken the car to Sweden where Janus bought it. Next, the car was displayed at the Illinois State Fair. Janus's future was bright.

research help: ' The Devil's Mercedes' by Robert Klara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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