Wednesday, April 1, 2015

the Forgotten page 1

the Forgotten page 1 by ric Gustafson

Mavis Pickrell nervously scratched her chin as she looked at the resume. " I see that you lost your job at the hospital five years ago".
" Our department was taken over by an outside company and my position was eliminated".
She studied the resume. " Have you worked since then?".
" Mostly just temporary work".
" Orlando, I will be frank with you" Mavis said with a frown. " We have many people wanting jobs and few openings right now".
Orlando looked at her with sad eyes. " Mrs Pickrell, I am currently homeless and really need a job".
" Well, I do have one possibility". She picked up an index card from her desk. " This opening just reached my desk".
Orlando smiled. " Whatever it is I'll take it".
" A boat at the marina needs a deckhand". She smiled. " Are you interested?".
" Yes".
" Good". She handed Orlando the index card. " You need to report to the marina, find a boat called ' The Forgotten' and ask for Captain Jack Muncie".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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