Thursday, April 16, 2015

the Forgotten page 4

the Forgotten page 4 by ric Gustafson

After what seemed like forever, Captain Muncie slowed the boat.
Orlando looked out and thought to himself that they were in the middle of nowhere.
The Captain cut the motor and dropped the anchor. He stared at the three. " Ready to work".
" Sure" was all three's reply.
Orlando followed the Nowell's to the ship's cargo hold. The Captain went below and started the lift. " As the bags come up, please put them on the edge of the deck.
As Orlando and the Nowell's dragged the heavy black bags to where the Captain asked them to, Orlando noticed something odd. Every bag had a small tag on it that said ' past sins'.
Captain Muncie lit his pipe. " Now we are going to throw them overboard".
All three shook their heads and did what the Captain said.
After all the bags had been thrown overboard, the Captain smiled. " That is all for tonight". He put down the lift and closed the cargo hold. He started the engine, pulled up the anchor and eased the boat toward home.
Later, Orlando asked the Captain a question. " Why did we just throw all those bags overboard?".
The old captain smiled. " The boss hired me a long time ago for one task".
" What task was that?".
" Past sins are forgotten, thrown into the deepest sea and remembered no more".
Orlando frowned. " I wish I had a place to stay".
The Nowell's smiled at each other and then at Orlando. " You can stay with us".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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