Wednesday, April 8, 2015

the Forgotten page 2

the Forgotten page 2 by ric Gustafson

Orlando looked at the piece of paper that had directions on it. He got out of the cab and then hand his last $ 30.00 to the foreign sounding cab driver. He glanced across the street toward the marina. " You are sure this is the place".
He pointed through the open window. " Positive, it's right there". He grinned and then drove off in a cloud of exhaust.
Orlando crossed the street onto a wooden jetty. He began to walk past boats of all sizes and shapes. He had the name of a boat that needed a deckhand and the Captain's name. As he came to the end of the dock, he noticed a boat on his right. As he walked up the small wooden gangplank, he figured the boat to be a typical deep sea vessel. The boat was mostly white and had a huge cargo space below deck. Inside the cargo space was huge burlap bags. He could not tell what was in them.
A grizzled old man with a black pipe in his mouth walked up from the deck below. " Hello, I'm Captain Jack Muncie". He shook Orlando's hand. " What can I do for you?".
" I'm looking for a boat called ' The Forgotten'.
" This is it" the old captain exclaimed as he pointed around the boat. " She's old but reliable".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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