Saturday, April 18, 2015

James 2:8 page 1

James 2:8 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Orlando dropped his small brown suitcase on the foyer floor. A little girl ran over and put her tiny hands on the bag. " Bag Bag".
" Hello Orlando" Janelle Nowell said as she walked in wiping her hands off with a hand towel. " I see you've met our daughter Nici".
" Big bag" Nici said as she tried to drag the bag forward. " Big brown bag".
" Make yourself at home" she said as she smiled and walked back into the kitchen. " Dinner is just about ready".
" Hey Orlando" Josh Nowell said as he walked down the blue carpeted steps and stopped next to his daughter. " Have you recovered from helping Captain Muncie?".
Orlando sighed. " I think so".
Josh picked up his daughter. " Nici, this is our new friend Orlando".
" Lando, Lando" she exclaimed in a loud squealing voice as she hugged her father tightly.
" Ok, you three" she said as she stood in the doorway grinning. " Dinner is ready".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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