Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Landmines: Insecurity

Landmines: Insecurity by ric Gustafson

There will be a time when God will lead us to a point where more is required of us than we believe that we can do. What do we do then?. The landmine of insecurity can be dangerous and destructive.
What causes insecurity?. Sometimes it is because we feel inadequate. We feel as if we have no direction and may wonder what the future holds. It can be because we feel threatened, off balance or on edge. It can be the death of a family member, a financial loss or divorce. Unrealistic rules and regulations can stifle our natural creativity.
Having a poor image of our bodies or not receiving positive feedback from others can hurt us. Being overshadowed by siblings can hurt us deeply.
To change our thinking, we first need to solely focus on Jesus and not on negative thoughts. We are children of God and he wants us to live up to our full potential. When we accept Christ as our Savior, God seals our lives by the presence of the Holy Spirit.
First, we need to admit our insecurity. Then we need to make the decision to overcome our feelings of insecurity. We need to start building self esteem, positive qualities and to stop comparing ourselves to others. Lastly, we need to reward ourselves when we do the right thing.
God loves us more than anything else. As his children, he does not want us to feel insecure.

research help: ' Landmines in the path of the believer' by Charles F Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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