Thursday, April 23, 2015

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 2

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 2 by ric Gustafson

Orlando blew on his cold gloved hands as he gazed to the west. ' Boy, I hope it comes quickly' he thought as he stamped his feet. ' The bus usually comes around this time' he thought as he blew into his gloves and stamped his feet again. He grinned as he noticed the large white bus approach. It stopped and the large door opened.
" Good morning" Orlando said to the driver as he took off his dark winter gloves. He reached into a pant pocket and pulled out a rumpled dollar bill and a quarter. He smiled and put them in the metal slots.
The driver grinned, closed the door and then the bus started.
Orlando slowly walked toward the back of the bus. As he reached and sat down in an empty seat, he saw her. She was sitting across from him and was writing in a journal or something. He looked out the window too embarrassed to look at her.
She had long blonde hair and was wearing a long red winter coat.
She had been riding on that bus for two months and he did not have the courage to talk to her.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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