Thursday, April 2, 2015

Locker 107 page 1

Locker 107 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rebecca Harris pulled into an empty parking space in the deserted parking lot. She turned off the grey SUV and then picked up the newspaper from the passenger seat. She glanced at it to make sure she had the right address. She smiled as she noticed a fading large sign near the entrance to the deserted building. The sign said ' Moton Construction Company'.
The large building had been closed for years and nobody had bought it. She was lucky to have seen the newspaper article saying that the building was going to be torn down tomorrow. She got out and began to walk down a fading and crumbling front sidewalk. As she walked up to the front door, she noticed that one car was parked by the door. She was hoping that someone could help her.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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