Wednesday, April 29, 2015

the end of days: rapture page 1

the end of days: rapture page 1 by ric Gustafson

Jim Harris pushed the button to close the garage door. He walked into the small well kept kitchen.
Agnes Harris was cutting up some fruit and putting them into a small bowl. " How was your day?".
" Busy as usual". He put his worn brown briefcase on top of the hutch. " The bank seems to be doing well".
" That's good". She put a pitcher of ice water on the kitchen table.
" Where's Robbie?".
" Outside against the tree reading his new bible".
He frowned. " Sometimes I wish the church had never given him that".
" Robbie" she yelled out the open kitchen window. " Come in for supper".
The thirteen year old walked in and put his bible next to his dad's briefcase. He sat down.
She poured water into their glasses. " What was the meeting at work about?".
Jim put some roast beef onto his plate. " The new UN representative from Italy Carlo Simpato wants to do business with our bank".
" Who's working on that deal?".
" Rory Johnston".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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