Wednesday, April 22, 2015

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 1

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 1 by ric Gustafson

Orlando swallowed the last of his buttered wheat toast as he watched the morning weatherman.
" The high today is only going to be 2 degrees" he said as he pointed at the screen. " So dress warmly as you go out the door".
Orlando walked quietly into the small kitchenette and poured himself another cup of coffee. ' I wish I was more of a morning person' he thought as he put one more slice of Rotella wheat bread into the small black toaster. As he walked, he yawned again. As the toast came up, he yawned a third time. He buttered it as he glanced at the clock that was built into the white stove. " Wow, look at the time" he exclaimed out loud as it read 5:50. " I need to leave".
He turned off the coffeemaker. He poured out the remains of his cup into the kitchen sink. He put on his good shoes, walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He put on his heavy coat and then picked up the remote.
The young forecaster smiled. " Stay warm and have a great Monday".
Orlando turned off the TV and then quickly left the apartment. He did not want to miss his bus.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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