Monday, March 30, 2015

Dust to Dust page 3

Dust to Dust page 3 by ric Gustafson

" I did not know I came from dust". Orlando's stomach growled. " What I really need right now is a job".
The young man walked over to a desk and opened up a drawer. He pulled out a burgundy day planner and opened it. He went, got a pen and a post it note. He began to write. " See my friend Mavis Pickrell at this address". He handed Orlando the post it note. " She'll find you a job".
" Thank you" Orlando said as he shook the young man's hand. " I was tired of standing at that corner holding that sign".
" Your welcome Orlando". Jesus smiled as he walked out the door.

research help: ' Beloved Dust' by Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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