Friday, September 2, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 15

the miracle on Titanic page 15 by ric gustafson.

Thurs April 11 1912 2:00 pm

David and Charlene stepped into the lift and he closed the iron gate. It opened onto a landing that was below the Grand Staircase. They stepped out to observe the beautiful architecture.
" This is as beautiful as God's beauty" she said as she noticed the polished banisters with their bright hue.
" Tell me more about the bible" he asked with curiosity as he admired the posts made with hand carved oak.
" Even though the books were written by different authors" she said as she looked up at the iron and glass skylight above them. " It all comes together for a specific purpose and message".
" Let's go up to the Boat Deck" he exclaimed as he held her hand. " The view should be great from there".
They walked onto the deck and noticed a steward shining up one of the lifeboats.
" How many boats do you have?" she inquired.
" We have fourteen regular and four collapsible boats that are capable of carrying 1,176 passengers and crew".
" How many passengers do we have?" David asked as he watched the Irish coastline fade away.
" 2,229" the steward replied as he thought for a moment. " But we do have ten percent more lifeboats than is required by the Board of Trade".
They walked over to the railing and watched the huge ship start to sail into the Atlantic alone.
" What did you mean that the bible had a message?".
" Jesus Christ has a simple message to share".
" What message is that?".
" A simple message of acceptance of Jesus into your heart, repenting your sins and then you will be with God forever".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Everyone have a great holiday weekend. Love Ric.

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