Tuesday, September 13, 2011

today is my birthday page 1

today is my birthday page 1 by ric gustafson free write story 3

Harlan Bergmann walked through the front door and then turned to his right. He quickly noticed that the dining room tables were set up for lunch. He walked past pillow covered sofas and antique chairs. He came to the last table nearest the hallway and saw that somebody was already sitting there. " Good morning Mrs Kline".
" Hello Harlan" said the tiny gray haired woman who was already putting her table napkin into her lap. " And how is my dear tablemate Betsy?".
" I will be bringing her down shortly".
He walked down the carpeted hallway and then stopped in front of room 107. He knocked softly on the frame of the door. " Mother, it's Harlan".

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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