Thursday, September 22, 2011

an honest man

an honest man by ric gustafson.

I yawned as I stood in line. It had been a busy morning and I was looking forward to a reuben sandwich and french fries for lunch.
" You dropped your money" said an older gentleman who then handed me the $20 bill.
" Thank you" I replied with a smile as I took the money and noticed that I was next in line. " Reuben and fries please" I asked the cook and then turned my head to the left. The honest man was gone.
As I sat down at the table to eat my lunch, a thought came to my mind. God wants all of his followers to always be honest and trustworthy. Before I took a bite of my Reuben, I prayed that I can always strive my hardest to be that honest man.

The End

dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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