Saturday, September 3, 2011

the spear soldier page 3

the spear soldier page 3 by ric gustafson.

Bar Abbas watched from the top of a small staircase that overlooked the Temple square, as his friend Jaqob bar Mathan was hit on top of the head and knocked down. He watched as his freedom fighters were slashing their way toward the prefect and his officials. He frowned as the soldier next to Pilate started to blow into a tuba. As the soldier blew into the instrument sounding a general alarm, hundreds of Roman soldiers began to run into the square.
Bar Abbas knew what he had to do. He raised a red cloth on a stick ordering a full attack on the prefect. He watched as his friend Achim Bar Simeon slashed his way toward Pilate.
All of a sudden, the soldier in front of Pilate quickly turned and slashed through the young freedom fighter. Cassius yelled as he stepped over the body. " Form a wall around the prefect". Dozens of soldiers raised their shields and surrounded Pilate and the other officials.
Bar Abbas knew the attack had failed. He jumped down from the staircase, pulled out his sword and began to slash his way toward Pilate. As he reached Cassius, he smiled and raised his sword to get revenge. He dropped the sword as he was struck twice on the head and back. He fell to the ground as blackness overcame him.

research help: ' The Spear' by Louis de Wohl.

I pray that everyone has a great Saturday. Love Ric.

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