Thursday, September 15, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 21

the miracle on Titanic page 21 by ric gustafson.

Fri April 12 1912 1:20 pm

David and Charlene, who was clutching her small bible, walked down to F deck and began to walk through the main dining area of third class. They were both dressed in plain clothes so that no one would notice them. As they walked, Charlene asked everyone she could stop if they knew a Sherilyn Adkins.
David noticed how nice the steerage eating area was. Even though it was after 1 in the afternoon, stewards were already puttting white tablecloths on the tables that could seat thirty people. Brown carpeting filled the room as white enamel water pitchers adorned the tables.
Charlene walked up to David with a frustrated look on her face. " I've asked everyone I can ask" she said as she shook her head. " Nobody has seen her".
In silence, they walked through some doors and down some steps to the Aft Well Deck. They stopped next to the railing and stared at the endless ocean.
" I'm sorry you couldn't find her" David replied as he clutched her hand into his and stared out at the ocean. " On a positive note, I've started studying the bible".
" That 's great David" she said with a big smile as she hung onto the railing. " I'm proud of you".
" Let's go back inside" he exclaimed as the wind came up stronger over the water. " I'm cold".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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