Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a church of purpose page 1

a church of purpose page 1 by ric gustafson.

Nicholas sat down in the pew and began to read the bulletin. He watched the choir walk in and sit down in the choir loft. He could sense that someone had just sat down next to him.
" Hello Nicholas".
The young man turned to see his friend the Creator sitting next to him.
" This sanctuary is packed".
Nicholas scratched his chin. " I wonder why".
The Creator smiled at his friend. " Nicholas, this is a purpose driven church".
" Purpose driven?".
" This church has asked the question".
" The question?".
" Why do we exist".
" Why does this church need to answer that?".
" Because Nicholas" the Creator replied with a smile. " Without a purpose, this church has no foundation or motivation to even exist".

research help: ' The Purpose Driven Church' by Rick Warren.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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