Sunday, September 18, 2011

the spear soldier page 4

the spear soldier page 4 by ric gustafson.

Caiphas rang a bell. A servant ran in. " Yes, my lord".
" Get me Centurion Cassius".
The servant ran out and then returned with a tall Roman soldier.
" First of all Centurion, thank you for saving the life of the Prefect".
" I was just doing my duty".
" I have a job for you".
" And what is that my lord?".
" I want you to take a detachment of soldiers and arrest a Rabbi at the Temple".
" A Rabbi my Lord".
" Yes, his name is Yeshua bar Joseph and I want him arrested and brought to me".
" Yes, my lord".
The Centurion walked out.
Caiphas clapped his hands. A young servant walked in. " Malchus, I have a job for you".
" Yes my lord".
" I want you to summon all of the Pharisee and Sadducee leaders to meet here".

research help: ' The Spear' by Louis de Wohl.

Everyone take care. Love Ric

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Thanks for the good stories, Ric! Love Mom