Wednesday, August 3, 2011

the story of Martha page 8

the story of Martha page 8 by ric gustafson.

Martha was feeding their donkey when she heard the gate open and close. She noticed that it was the Roman soldier who had saved her father.
Flavius took off his helmet. " I'm sorry to bother you".
" That's ok centurion" she replied as she stroked lovingly the top of the donkey's head. " I wanted to thank you again for saving my father".
" I stopped to see how he was".
A tear began to come down her face. " My Abba recently passed on".
" I'm sorry" he replied with a sad nod as he put his helmet back on. " My patrol and I are going to hopefully hunt down and capture a murderer by the name of Barabbas".
" Safe travel Centurion Artemis".
" Thank you Martha" he softly replied as he walked out the gate.
She stared and wondered how the Roman soldier knew her name.

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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