Monday, August 8, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 1

the miracle on Titanic page 1 by ric gustafson.

Wednesday April 10 1912 10:oo am

David Sharpston adjusted his black bowler hat as steerage passengers from Waterloo Station ran with their possesions toward the Aft ramp. " Are you ok Mother?" he said as the confusion along the huge berth seemed to be getting worse. People were hurrying to get on board before the ship sailed at noon.
" Yes I'm fine" Camille Sharpston replied as she struggled to carry the two big suitcases in her hands.
He struggled with his two suitcases as he noticed how the beautiful black and white ship filled the entire berth. David knew he and his mother were lucky to get first class tickets for this ship's maiden voyage.
" Help with this Sir" a porter asked as he reached for one of the brown suitcases. " I can put them on this rack and take them up to C deck for you".
" Thank you". David and his mother walked up the ramp and into the ship.
An officer wearing a blue suit and cap and holding a notebook greeted them. " I am Second Officer Lighttoller".
" I am David Sharpston and this is my mother Camille Sharpston".
The officer looked at his notebook. " Yes, I have you in C-77 and your mother in C-78 just across the hall".
" Thank you" Camille replied as she fidgeted with the hat that was in her hand.
" I will have a steward bring your luggage to your rooms".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I enjoy your stories, Ric. Thank you for sharing them! Love, Mom