Monday, August 22, 2011

the rich young ruler page 1

the rich young ruler page 1 by ric gustafson.

I opened my eyes to reveal that I was in total darkness. I immediately covered my mouth because of the strong sulfur smell. I held my hands out and I could not see them. ' Where am I' was my first thought as my eyes tried to focus in the dark. I could see that I was in a circulier hole that had smooth walls. I felt like I was burning inside but I was not being consumed.
" Why am I here" I yelled as anger began to invade my thoughts. " God, what did I do to deserve this". Then the memory of the day that I stopped the Rabbi to ask a question came into my head. Memories of that day burned angrily in me.

research help: ' King's Cross' by Timothy Keller.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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