Monday, August 15, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 5

the miracle on Titanic page 5 by ric gustafson

David and his mother stood on the deck as they heard the huge propellers begin to turn. Each measured over 16 feet and churned up the water as the huge ship came up to two small liners that were moored nearby.
One of the two, the New York began to bobbi up and down due to the huge swell from the Titanic. The small liner's ropes that kept her secured snapped and the liner began to drift toward the huge ship. Captain Smith threw the massive engines into reverse and a tug threw a line onto the small liner barely stopping it. The huge ship barely made it past the small liner after Fourth Officer Boxhall swung the wheel hard to port.
Captain Smith put a hand on the young officer's shoulder. " That was very close Mr Boxhall".
Officer Lightoller smiled at the young officer. " That was very good steering Mr Boxhall".
" Aye Sir" he replied with a grin as he swung the wheel back to starboard.
" All ahead slow Mr Boxhall" Captain Smith said quietly.
" All ahead slow" the young officer replied as a sailor cranked the telegraph.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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