Wednesday, August 31, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 13

the miracle on Titanic page 13 by ric gustafson.

Wed April 10 1912 9:00 pm

" Ten degrees port Mr Hichens" Fourth Officer Boxhall bellowed as the Quartermaster held tightly onto the wheel. " Steady as she goes".
First Officer William Murdoch looked over the bridge rail and then up toward the Crow's Nest. " Do you have our binoculars?".
" No Sir" Boxhall replied. " I gave them to Fleet who is up there".
" Do we have another pair?".
" No Sir, I believe that is the only pair we have on board".
Anger came to the First Officer's face. " You make sure he brings that pair to the bridge when he is done".
" Aye Sir" Boxhall said as Captain Smith entered the bridge. His white uniform and white beard struck an instant presence. Behind him was Bruce Ismay, the Director of the White Star Line.
Ismay looked over the shoulder of the Captain as he picked up a chart and began to study it. " When do we arrive at Queensland Captain?".
Captain Smith stroked his grey beard. " According to my chart, we should arrive there by noon tomorrow".
Looking at the chart further, Ismay frowned. " What is this course?".
" This is the course Mr Boxhall has laid out for us".
" Why!" he said in frustration as he stared at the Fourth Officer.
" It is a safer route and we can watch out better for ice".
" Nonsense" Ismay growled. " It will add a day and I will not allow it".
" Sir, what about the ice?".
" If you get any reports of ice" Ismay said as he walked toward the bridge railing. " You bring them directly to me".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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