Thursday, August 31, 2023

the Great Oz page 13

 the Great Oz page 13 by ric gustafson

The cloaked figure stopped at Oscar's feet. " So, are you the Wizard?".
Oscar thought for a moment. " Yes I am".
The figure pulled back the hood. It was a female.
" I am Glinda the Good". She smiled. " I am the Witch of the South".
Oscar looked confused. " I thought Evanora was the Good Witch".
" Actually". Glinda frowned. " Evanora is the true Wicked Witch".
China Girl began to cry. " Then Evanora destroyed our village".
Glinda frowned. " Actually that's true".
At the same time, Evanora was staring into a large crystal ball. She was watching Oscar and Glinda. She cackled. " Curse that Glinda".
Theodora ran into the room. " Sister, the Wizard is missing". She looked afraid. " Have you seen him?".
" Yes". She kept staring into the crystal ball. " He is with Glinda".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

God's Word: Judges

 God's Word: Judges by ric gustafson

The author of this book could be the prophet Samuel. The book was written in 1050 BC. The book talks about Israel going through cycles of sin, suffering and salvation. After Joshua's death, it gets to be harder for the Israelites to drive out the pagan people. God's people began to worship idols. Then they suffered punishment by attackers. Then the people cried to God for help. Then God would send a judge to restore order. This became a cycle. 
Lesser known judges included Othniel, Ehud, Tola, Jair and Jephthah. Famous judges included Gideon, Samson and the only female judge named Deborah.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

the Great Oz page 12

 the Great Oz page 12 by ric gustafson

Oscar, Finley and China Girl quietly walked out of the Dark Forest. They stopped at a rusty fence. Just inside the fence were tombstones. Around the tombstones were bent and gnarled trees. 
" Hold me Wizard". China Girl began to cry. " I'm scared".
Oscar smiled. " I'll hold you".
China Girl grinned as she got into Oscar's protective arms.
Just then, they heard someone approach the rusty gate. The person was wearing a black hooded cloak. The person was holding a flower basket.
The three silently hid behind a broken down cart.
The cloaked figure put a wand by the fence. The figure then began to put flowers into the basket.
China Girl pointed. " Wizard, they put their wand next to the fence".
Oscar gently put China Girl down. He stood up. He quietly walked up to the fence where the wand sat.
The hooded figure kept putting flowers into the basket.
Just as Oscar was about to pick up the wand, He stepped on a large stick.
" Are you the Wizard?".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Joshua

 God's Word: Joshua by ric gustafson

This book is attributed to Joshua himself. The date of this book is 1375 BC. This book tells that the Israelites captured and settled the promised land of Canaan.
After Moses and his generation die, God tells Joshua to lead the people into Canaan. Joshua's first obstacle is Jericho. A prostitute named Rahab helps Joshua and earns protection. After Jericho, Joshua defeats the Hittites, the Amorites, The Canaanites, The Perizzites, The Hivites and the Jebusites. After this, Joshua divides the land among the twelve tribes. This was to remind the people to stay true to God.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 28, 2023

God's Word: Deuteronomy

God's Word: Deuteronomy by ric gustafson

This book is attributed to Moses. This book was written in 1400 BC. In this book, Moses reminds the Israelites of their history and God's laws. Deuteronomy means ' second law'. The book records Moses' final words as the people are preparing to enter the promised land. This Israelite generation has died. Moses reminds this new generation about God's commands and of their national history. 
Joshua will lead the people into the promised land not Moses. Moses died on Mount Nebo. He was buried in the land of Moab. Moses was 120 years old.

research help: ' Know your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 11

 the Great Oz page 11 by ric gustafson

Oscar and Finley stopped walking at the top of a hill. Smoke was coming from a village down below.
" What do you make of that village Finley?".
" I don't know". The monkey frowned. " It doesn't look good".
As they began to walk into the burned out village, the ground they walked on felt like broken china. They walked into a china shop.
Oscar picked up a piece of porcelain. He looked at it. He recoiled in fear. A face was staring at him.
" Help me".
Oscar glanced around. " Where is the rest of you?".
" That broken china doll in the corner".
Oscar walked over and picked up the broken china doll. She had white china hair, a white and blue dress and sad eyes. Oscar found some glue and put the porcelain piece back on the doll's head.
The china doll smiled. " Thank you Wizard".
Oscar frowned. " You know me".
China doll's eyes grew wide. " You are the Wizard aren't you".
" I am".
China doll slowly got up. She began to walk around the room.
" You can walk".
" Yes Wizard I can". The doll smiled. " Please let me come with you".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 27, 2023

God's Word: Numbers

 God's Word: Numbers by ric gustafson

This book is attributed to Moses. The date of this book is 1400 BC. This book is about faithless Israelites who wandered 40 years in the Sinai wilderness. This book starts with a census. The Israelites numbered 603,550 men. This did not include the Levites. Their journey was only two hundred miles. But it will take them decades to walk. 
Why this long of a journey?. The people constantly complained about food and water. They rebelled against Moses. They were hesitant to enter Canaan. God decreed that the generation going on the journey would die in the wilderness. A new generation would enter the promised land.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 7

 3/30/1981 page 7 by ric gustafson

At 9:15 am, President Reagan was talking to German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. They talked about the Soviet Premier Brezhnev and the subject of Poland. At 10:30 am, Reagan attended a 15 minute briefing on hispanic supporters. At 10:45 am, Reagan headed back to the Oval Office. He had to work on a speech for that afternoon.
Nancy Davis met her husband in 1949. He was the president of the Screen Actors Guild. She was 28 and had just signed a 7 year contract with MGM. She got involved with the Red Scare. She asked for Reagan's help. He promised her that SAG would defend her if a problem arose. Then Reagan asked her out. Reagan right away fell in love with her hazel eyes and her laugh. She enjoyed listening to his acting stories and about his ranch.
As John Hinckley was taking a shower, he had already changed his plans. Instead of committing suicide in New Haven, he was thinking about the newspaper article he had read. He read that President Reagan was going to speak to a trade union at 2:00 that afternoon.
After the shower, Hinckley felt nervous and jittery. His pulse was rising. He decided to take some Valium. He put on dark trousers and a blue striped shirt. He decided that he was going to kill the President of the United States. From a suitcase, he took out a gun and 6 Devastator bullets. He smiled. He knew what he had to do.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 26, 2023

the Great Oz page 10

 the Great Oz page 10 by ric gustafson

Evanora and Oscar were standing in the Room of Resplendence.
Oscar picked up a chalice. " What is all these riches?".
She smiled. " It is the royal treasure of Oz".
Oscar picked up some gold coins. " As Wizard, these riches are for me".
" Yes". Evanora's voice hesitated. " Once you fulfill the prophecy".
" And what is that?".
" You must defeat and kill the Wicked Witch".
" And how do I do that?".
" You must go to the Dark Forest". She frowned. " And destroy her wand".
Oscar whistled. " Her wand".
" It is the source of her power". She grinned. " Without it, she dies".
" I will take Finley with me".
Evanora smiled. " Are you up to it Wizard?".
" Yes".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Leviticus

 God's Word: Leviticus by ric gustafson

The author of this book is attributed to Moses. The date of this book is mid 1400's BC. A holy God explains in this book how to worship him. 
Leviticus means ' about the Levites'. The book describes how a family line should lead the Israelites in worship. This book describes ceremonial laws. It talks about offerings to God. It describes dietary restrictions. It describes purification rites. It talks about special holy days. This includes the Sabbath, Passover, the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur. Moses's brother Aaron is ordained as Israel's formal priesthood. The book talks about blessings for obedience and punishments for disobedience.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 25, 2023

God's Promises: grace to the humble

 God's Promises: grace to the humble by ric gustafson

According to I Peter 5, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. In the book of Daniel was a King.  His name was King Nebuchadnezzar. He had vast possessions. He had a lot of pride. He overthrew Jerusalem in 605 BC. Among his Hebrew captives were four young men. Their names were Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. At one point, the King built a 90 foot golden statue in his honor. The King demanded that everyone bow down before it. 
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused. The King threw the three into a furnace. They came back out unsinged. 
Did the King humble himself?. The answer is no. The King told Daniel a dream. Daniel interpreted it. He urged the King to repent. He did not. 
God hates pride. The heart of pride never confesses and never repents. Pride comes at a high price. Don't pay it. Instead go with the offer of grace. God hates arrogance but loves humility. The humble heart loves God, needs God. God has a special place for the humble of heart. 

research help: ' Unshakable Hope' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 24, 2023

3/30/1981 page 6

 3/30/1981 page 6 by ric gustafson

President Reagan started working in the Oval Office shortly after 8:50 am. The room where the presidential universe happens pretty much stayed the same since Jimmy Carter left it. The room contained a large brown oval carpet. There was two striped couches and two large armchairs. There was a domed ceiling. There was a portrait of George Washington above the fireplace. The presidential desk w as made out of timbers from the H.M.S. Resolute. Reagan had added some personal things to the Oval Office. There were several family photos around the room. There was a glass container of jelly beans on a coffee table.
Then, Reagan's top three advisors came in for a morning staff meeting. Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver was close to the President. He was 42 and his office was next to the Oval Office. Counselor Edwin Meese III was 49 and part of Reagan's California inner circle. Meese was also close to Reagan. Chief of Staff James Baker III was from Texas. He was shrewd, smooth, disciplined and detail oriented. Before the staff meeting, the three ate breakfast together. 
Agent Parr stopped to talk with Agent Guy. He asked him a question.
" I'd like to work the President today". He smiled. " I need to get to know him better".
" Not a problem". Agent Guy grinned. " I hope everything goes well at the Washington Hilton this afternoon".

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

God's Word: Exodus

 God's Word: Exodus by ric gustafson

The author of this book is attributed to Moses. The date of this book is mid 1400s BC. In this book, God delivers his people the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. When Joseph dies, a new pharaoh sees the Israelites as a threat. He makes them his slaves. God hears their cries and moans. God sends Moses as their deliverer. Moses demands the Israelites be released from Pharaoh. Pharaoh refuses. God sends ten plagues. The last one is the death of every firstborn child. Pharoah finally told Moses and the Israelites to leave. At Mount Sinai, God delivers the Ten Commandments. The book ends with the people continuing on their journey to the promised land.
The book of Exodus is about redemption. Jesus breaks our bonds of sin.

research help: ' Know your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 5

 3/30/1981 page 5 by ric gustafson

John W Hinckley Jr was already awake and anxious. He noticed the light coming through the window of the hotel room. He yawned. He had only gotten an hour of sleep at the most. He glanced around Room 312 of Park Central. The room was only $47 dollars a night. Hinckley also knew he did not have much money left.
Hinckley was 25 and the son of a wealthy oil executive. From 20 to 25, he had tried to make a living in Los Angeles as a professional songwriter. When that failed, he had to move back to Evergreen Colorado to live with his parents. 
After a while, his parents had to kick him out of the house. Hinckley decided to try Los Angeles one more time. There he met a college student from New Haven Connecticut. He was crazy about her. She did not feel the same about him. When she went back home, Hinckley decided to follow her.
On a Greyhound bus, the trip lasted four days. While on the bus, Hinckley read from ' The Catcher in the Rye'. The novel was about teenage angst and alienation. Hinckley could relate with the novel's main character Holden Caulfield. Another reason Hinckley loved the book was because of Mark David Chapman. Chapman was holding the book three and a half months earlier when he shot and killed John Lennon.
Hinckley arrived in Washington DC on Sunday March 29. He was hungry and just about out of money.

research help:  ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 21, 2023

God's Word: Genesis

 God's Word: Genesis by ric gustafson

The book has been traditionally attributed to Moses. Moses lived around the 1400s BC. The events of Genesis date to the beginning of time. The first book of God's Word simply assumes God's existence. This describes how God created the universe and everything in it. How God formed and created man. How God created woman. It also describes how the first two people sinned and disobeyed God. How the world's first child murdered his brother. The book talks about a great flood and one family that was saved. The book talks about a man named Abram. He was chosen to patriarch a blessed people.
The book talks about one God in multiple persons. The book answers the question ' Where did I come from?'.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 9

 the Great Oz page 9 by ric gustafson

" Do you like it?".
Oscar turned. In front of him was a woman with dark eyes and ruby lips.
She grinned. " I'm glad you are here at last Wizard".
Oscar did not know what to say. " Thank you".
She clapped her hands in joy. " At last the prophecy shall be fulfilled".
Theodora smiled. " Wizard, this is my sister".
" I am Evanora". She grinned. " I am the royal advisor".
" That's great".
" I am here to serve you".
Oscar turned to Finley. " Monkey, my bag".
" Yes Wizard". He picked up the bag.
They left.
Evanora gave her sister a stern look. " I want proof that he is who he claims to be".
Theodora agreed. " I will give him a little test".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 20, 2023

God's Promises: the power of prayer

 God's Promises: the power of prayer by ric gustafson

According to James 5, when a believing man prays great things happen. When we pray, heaven takes note. When we speak, God listens. Our prayers impact the actions of God. When we pray earnestly, our prayers are heard. God enjoys hearing our prayers. 
This life is training us for heaven and eternity. God is preparing us to reign with him. We are part of God's family. We are God's children. God hears our prayer requests. 
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Unshakable Hope' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 4

 3/30/1981 page 4 by ric gustafson

President Reagan walked off the elevator onto the first floor. The time was 8:34 am. He met two of his aides David Fischer and Jose Muratti. Fischer had documents that the President would need. Muratti carried the satchel that contained the country's nuclear war plans. President Reagan carried an authentication card in a jacket pocket. 
The three men walked down the hall to the Blue Room. Reagan shook hands with more than 60 people in eleven minutes. Then people were led into the East Room. There Reagan gave his fervent supporters in that room a pep talk about carrying out the President's agenda. The minor speech to a small circle of advisors only lasted 3 minutes and 15 seconds. 
After the speech, Reagan flanked by two secret service agents walked into the Oval Office. Senior Agent Parr informed the President that Agent Johnny Guy was coming with the President that afternoon when he makes his speech at the Washington Hilton Hotel.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 19, 2023

God's Promises: an heir of God

 God's Promises: an heir of God by ric gustafson

According to Romans 8, we are heirs of God and co heirs with Christ. We are a child of God. What is our place in the family of God?. We are not strangers, we are heirs. We are a child of God. The Spirit of God dwells in us. We have inherited the Kingdom of God. We are an heir not a stranger. 
It's time to live out our inheritance in God's family. We are heirs not strangers.

research help: ' Unshakable Hope' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 18, 2023

World's Greatest Book page 3

 World's Greatest Book page 3 by ric gustafson

So why call the Bible the ' World's Greatest Book'. The Bible is controversial. Some of the passages are not easy to read or understand. Scripture has been used for positive social change. Many people have perished defending and distributing the Bible. The Bible has had an influence on Western Culture. The Bible has altered our language. 
The Bible is history's best selling book. The Bible is meant to be a book for everyone. It is for the faithful and the faithless. The Bible has played a significant role in human civilization. God's Word is a fascinating story that includes everything. 
Let us start at the beginning of this beautiful story we call the ' World's Greatest Book'.

research help: ' The World's Greatest Book' by Lawrence Schiffman and Jerry Pattengale

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Promises: Satan's days are numbered

 God's Promises: Satan's days are numbered by ric gustafson

Romans 16 says the God who brings peace will soon defeat Satan. We are in a war. That war is with Satan. According to Ephesians 6, we need God's armor against Satan. The devil or Satan is our real and present foe. Satan wants to make life hell for believers. Satan in Genesis 3 led a coup against God. He was cast from heaven. This was Satan's downfall. God hates pride. That's what Satan had. Because of pride, he was cast out of heaven. Yet he is in our life. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. People pretend Satan is not real. The truth is he is. Satan's days are numbered. That is a promise of God.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Unshakable Hope' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 17, 2023

3/30/1981 page 3

 3/30/1981 page 3 by ric gustafson

Sitting at the table for breakfast with the President on March 30 1981 was a 59 year old woman. Nancy Reagan knew a thing or two about public perception. A former movie actress, Mrs Reagan worked hard to shape and protect her husband's image. 
Nancy was tough and demanding. During her husband's run for President, She played a key role. Together, the two made a powerful political team. Their marriage went beyond politics.
On March 4, the couple celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary. They celebrated with a night on the town. Less than three weeks after inauguration, Nancy gave her husband a surprise birthday party for his 70th birthday.
Their breakfast ended at 8:30 am.
The President gave his wife a kiss.
He began to walk toward his office.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Promises: stamped with God's image

 God's Promises: stamped with God's image by ric gustafson

Genesis 1 says let us make human beings in our image. We ask ourselves am I somebody important?. It's easy to feel that we are not. A promise of God is that we were created by God. We were created in God's image. We were created for God's glory. We were created to reflect the image of God. Nothing else is made in the image of God. We have attributes of God. These include grace, wisdom, love and kindness. We have a longing for eternity. Sin distorts that image but it is still there. We are a progressive work of God. God loves us with an everlasting love. 
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Unshakable Hope' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

God's Promises: precious promises

 God's promises: precious promises by ric gustafson

According to II Peter 1, God has given us great and precious promises. The heroes in the Bible came from all walks of life. All of them built their lives on God's promises. Noah, Abraham, Joshua, Peter and Paul all believed strongly on God's promises. Joseph, Moses the list goes on and on. God is a promise maker. God is a promise keeper. God speaks it happens. 
Why did Jesus applaud the faith of a centurion?. Because he believed that Jesus would keep his word. God is unchanging. God is strong. God cannot lie. 
God loves us more than anything else. That is a promise from God.

research help: ' Unshakable Hope' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

3/30/1981 page 2

 3/30/1981 page 2 by ric gustafson

President Ronald Reagan woke up at 7:00 am on March 30 1981. It was gray and dreary that morning. Reagan got up and walked to the master bathroom. He showered and shaved. He put on a dark blue pin striped suit. He put on a monogrammed white shirt and a blue tie. In his shirt sleeves, he put on a pair of golden bear cuff links. He put a white handkerchief into his jacket's breast pocket. He put a watch on his left wrist.
Reagan was six foot one, lean and muscular. He was fit by cutting wood, riding horses and exercising constantly. The former movie star appeared confident and was comfortable being the most important man in the world.
Reagan was born in 1911. He was raised in Dixon Illinois. After graduating from Eureka College with a degree in economics, Reagan yearned to be an actor.
In 1980 after 8 years as Governor of California, Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in a landslide.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 14, 2023

3/30/1981 page 1

 3/30/1981 page 1 by ric gustafson

On Sunday March 29 1981, President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy were walking to church. The day was bright and warm. The Reagan's walked through the White House gate and then across Pennsylvania Avenue. Trailed by Secret Service agents, the Reagan's began to walk through Lafayette Square.
Their destination was St John's Church. The church, on the north side of the square, was designed by the same people who rebuilt the White House and the Capitol after the War of 1812. The church was nicknamed ' The Church of the Presidents'.
After the service, the Reagan's hurried back to their official residence. Reagan had only been in office for two months. He was busy with a political and a legislative agenda. Reagan knew that tomorrow March 30 was going to be a light day. The only event on his schedule was a twenty minute speech to a trade union.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Promises: his continual assurance

 God's Promises: his continual assurance by ric gustafson

According to Luke 12, but seek the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. Why were we created as human beings?. It is to have a relationship with God. The first man and woman disobeyed and sinned. God, who loves us so much, gave his only Son to die on a cross so we can once again be in a relationshp with God. God loves us that much. He always has. He always will.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God's Promises for New Believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

World's Greatest Book page 2

 World's Greatest Book page 2 by ric gustafson

The Bible is the most loved and the most loathed book. The word ' bible' comes from the Greek word ' biblion. Biblion means scroll or book. The bible or biblia refered to a specific collection of writings that were deemed sacred. Other names for the bible include Scripture, Holy Writ, the Word of God and the Good Book. 
The Hebrew Bible contains 24 books divided into three categories. The five books of Moses known as the Torah. The 8 books of the Prophets. The 11 books of the Writings. All of these books are known as the Tanakh. 
The Protestant Bible contains the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible. It is divided into two parts for a total of 39 books. The first part is called the Old Testament. The word ' Testament' means ' covenant' or ' agreement'. 
Christians added 27 more books in the mid to late first century. These books became known as the New Testament.
So why call the Bible the world's greatest book?. We read on.

research help: ' The World's Greatest Book' by Lawrence Schiffman and Jerry Pattengale

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heart of God: an eternal God

 Heart of God: an eternal God by ric gustafson

The heart of God is unchanging and eternal. God laid out the design and the foundation of our universe. God is power and love. He will always remain that way. According to Psalm 90, you had formed the earth and the world from everlasting to everlasting You are God. As humans, we are in a constant state of change. We are born, we grow, we mature, we die. Along the way we experience the joys and hardships of life. 
God never changes. His love for us never ceases. God's wisdom never ceases. God's promises will never be unbroken. So place your trust in an unchanging God. God loves you yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Praise God's name.

The End.

research help: ' Heart of God' by Elisabeth Elliot

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Heart of God: a saving God

 Heart of God: a saving God by ric gustafson

God has a saving heart. How do we know that?. John 3:16 says that God loved us so much that he sent his only Son to die for our sins. God offers us his gift of eternal life. Do we want this gift or not?. This gift is freely given to us. This gift is priceless, a treasure beyond price and offered freely to you. God is waiting patiently for us to accept this free gift. Will we accept it?.

research help: ' Heart of God' by Elisabeth Elliot

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

J Lennon page 45

 J Lennon page 45 by ric gustafson

Chapman smiles as the limo pulls up to the curb. He had just finished a long conversation with the security guard. His name was Jose Perdomo. He now stood at an angle between the building and the street. He grips the 38 Charter Arms.
Yoko steps out of the limo.
In the shadows, Chapman nods at Yoko. She does not nod back. 
As Yoko walks past Chapman, John steps out of the limo. When John sees Chapman in the shadows, he gives him a cold hard stare. John quickly walks by Chapman toward the entrance to the Dakota.
Chapman takes five steps toward the street. He stops. He turns. He pulls out the 38 Charter Arms revolver. He gets into a combat stance.
As John reaches the doorman's guardhouse, Chapman begins shooting. He strikes John several times in the back and shoulder with the hollow point bullets. John collapses.
" Help him". Yoko begins screaming. " Somebody come quickly".
Perdomo runs up to Chapman. " Do you know what you've just done".
Chapman grinned. " I've just shot John Lennon". He took his copy of the ' Catcher In The Rye' out of his back pocket.
Mark David Chapman heard the sirens approaching.
He smiled. " Now I am famous".

The End

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Heart of God: a helping God

 Heart of God: a helping God by ric gustafson

Psalm 121 says my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. God wants to help his children. Sometimes we resist his help. God tells us not to fall into that trap. God's Commandments were given to help us avoid the pitfalls of life. God keeps us safe. God wants to give us a full and satisfying life. 
Do you want to live an abundant life?. Study God's Word. Apply it to your life. 
God loves me and you more than anything else.

research help: ' Heart of God' by Elisabeth Elliot

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 11, 2023

Heart of God: a giving God

 Heart of God: a giving God by ric gustafson

James 1 says, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. The heart of God overflows with gifts for his children. We have been given gifts and opportunities. We need to be thankful. The gifts from God need to be nourished. Otherwise, they will go unused and squandered. Gifts from God are treasures. We need to share our spiritual gifts. God says share your financial resources. God says use the skills and talents I have given you. If we share God's gifts with others, God will bless us.
God wants us to be stewards of the talents and treasures given to us.

research help: ' Heart of God' by Elisabeth Ellliot

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

J Lennon page 44

 J Lennon page 44 by ric gustafson

Chapman was watching the front entrance of the Dakota. Then he froze.
Walking out the entrance was John and Yoko.
Chapman all of a sudden wasn't sure what to do.
John and Yoko quickly walked past Chapman and Goresh. They stopped at the curb. They were waiting for their car to arrive.
" I thought you wanted your album autographed". Goresh pointed toward John. " You better catch him before he leaves".
Chapman followed John and Yoko into the street.
" Mr Lennon". Chapman waved his album. " Please sign this".
John turned around. He smiled. 
Chapman hands John his album and a Bic pen.
' John Lennon 1980" is what John writes on the front of the album. He hands the album and the pen back to Chapman.
" Is that all?". John stares at Chapman. " Do you want anything else?".
Chapman shakes his head no.
The car for the Lennons pulls up. They get in. They head for the recording studio.
Chapman smiles as he holds his signed album.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 10, 2023

First Ladies: Elizabeth Monroe

 First Ladies: Elizabeth Monroe by ric gustafson

After the War of 1812, the country was no longer in crisis mode. the country was unified, it prospered and it grew. In this time of the country nicknamed ' the era of good feelings' Elizabeth Monroe came. She followed behind Dolley Madison. We do not know much about her before she married James Monroe. She was seventeen. She became Monroe's partner in everything. Monroe was a promising lawyer. Monroe was a political leader for forty years. Elizabeth was good friends with Dolley Madison. Elizabeth loved all things French. She loved their language and their fashion. When the rebuilt White House was unveiled, people complained that she decorated too much in French. 
During the French Revolution, she saved the life of the wife of the Marquis de Lafayette. Monroe's key foreign policy was the Monroe Doctrine. 
Elizabeth was in the White House for eight years. She was even a no show at her own parties. She claimed illness. Sometimes she just wanted to spend time with her daughters and grandchildren. Eventually, James and Elizabeth moved to their Virginia plantation. Elizabeth Monroe died four years later at the age of 62.

research help: ' America's First Ladies' by Kathleen Krull

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

J Lennon page 43

 J Lennon page 43 by ric gustafson

John and Yoko watched as Rolling Stone photographer Annie Leibovitz set up her camera equipment. They felt comfortable with the chief photographer for the magazine. Leibovitz had taken a portrait of John for the Jan 21 1971 issue. That was John's first interview for the magazine.
Then RKO radio announcer Dave Sholin and a crew were invited into the Lennon's apartment. They set up their recording equipment. Over the span of three hours, Sholin asked the Lennons about a variety of topics. John was eager to talk. When it was past 4:00 pm, John smiled at Sholin.
" Yoko and I need to leave".

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

World's Greatest Book page 1

 World's Greatest Book page 1 by ric gustafson

What is the world's greatest book?. On November 26 2013, eager buyers crowded into Sotheby's in New York. What was the sought after prize?. It was one of two copies of ' The Bay Psalm Book'. This was owned by the Old South Church in Boston. In 1640, this collection of biblical psalms was translated from Hebrew and then printed by Puritan settlers. This was the first book published in British North America. This book was printed just 20 years after the landing of the Mayflower.
Two and a half minutes after an opening bid of 6 million, this book was purchased for 14 million. It set the world record for the most expensive printed book ever sold at auction.
Two pages of the Gutenberg Bible has sold for as much as $100,000. In May 2014, a Torah scroll sold for $3.87 million.
Everyone has an opinion about the Bible. President Lincoln called the Bible the best gift God has given to man. On the other hand, Celsus a philosopher called the Bible absurd.
God's Word has been discussed, disputed, revered and reviled. Let's find out why?.

research help: ' The World's Greatest Book' by Lawrence Schiffman and Jerry Pattengale

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 7, 2023

Heart of God: a willful God

 Heart of God: a willful God by ric gustafson

God has a plan for our lives. God does not do anything by accident. God is willful and intentional. We cannot always understand the willful heart of God. Why?. Because we are mortal beings with limited understanding. We cannot comprehend the will of God. As God's followers, we must trust the will of God. 
Jesus knew his Father's will. He knew it must be done. In trials, we must seek God's will not our own. 
God will give us the strength to meet our trials. He promises us that.

research help: ' Heart of God' by Elisabeth Elliot

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

J Lennon page 42

 J Lennon page 42 by ric gustafson

Mark David Chapman was standing outside the Dakota. He noticed a female walking up to him. He smiled. " Hi Jude".
" My friend and I came to meet you the other night". She frowned. " What happened?".
Chapman thought to himself should I lie or tell the truth. He changed the subject.
" It's almost noon". He noticed the growing crowd at the Dakota entrance. " We lost our chance to see Lennon earlier this morning".
" You missed seeing John the other night".
Chapman frowned. " Oh really".
" I had a great conversation with him".
Chapman noticed a heavyset man standing by the entrance. He was holding a camera. " Who is that?".
" Paul Goresh". Jude grinned. " He's a freelance photographer".
He walked over. " Hello Jude".
" Hi Paul". She points at Chapman. " This is Mark from Hawaii".
Chapman showed Goresh his copy of ' Double Fantasy'. " I was hoping Mr Lennon would sign my album".
Goresh smiled. " I'm sure he will".

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

J Lennon page 41

 J Lennon page 41 by ric gustafson

On October 9 1980, John Lennon woke up and put on his glasses. He smiled. Today was a special day. It was his 40th birthday. The day had another special meaning. It was his son's 5th birthday. The day started out with tea and pleasant reflections. Then he got a call from his old writing partner. Paul McCartney wished  him and his new album well.
Yoko brought the two up to the roof of the Dakota. They watched as a skywriter spelled out happy birthday. On a walk down Central Park West, they run into an old friend. It was Geraldo Rivera.
In San Francisco, Jann Wenner wants to do a new cover story about John for Rolling Stone. John was elated that the first single ' Just Like Starting Over' was number 4 on Billboard.
The new album was being released on November 17. He had just turned 40. He felt good. There were talks about a tour in the spring of 1981. For John, life was really good.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heart of God: a sufficient God

Heart of God: a sufficient God by ric gustafson

According to Philippians 4, my God shall supply all your need. God is sufficient to meet your needs. No matter what trials or storms you face in this life, God is always with you. He is ready to provide all of our needs. Psalm 34 says God is near to those who have a broken heart. In those storms of life, God says turn to me. The Heart of God is sufficient to meet all of our needs. That is his promise to us.

research help: ' Heart of God' by Elisabeth Elliot

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 5, 2023

the Great Oz page 8

 the Great Oz page 8 by ric gustafson

Oscar and Theodora walked up to some tall guards. They were marching in formation. A very short man was leading them.
" Hello Knuck". She pointed at Oscar. " This is the Wizard".
The short man blew a whistle. The formation stopped. He pointed at Oscar. " All hail the Wizard". All the guards got down on one knee. 
" These are my Winkie Guards". Knuck grinned. " They protect the Emerald City".
Knuck obtained a driver and a carriage for Oscar and Theodora. The carriage stopped at the entrance to the palace. They walked inside and then down another corridor.
Then Theodora opened another door. Oscar's jaw dropped. The large room had huge windows overlooking the city. The floor was green marble. There were huge chandeliers.
In amazement, Oscar walked up some stairs. He stopped at a huge emerald throne.
Oscar grinned. " Is this my throne?".
" Yes Wizard". Theodora smiled. " It is".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

J Lennon page 40

 J Lennon page 40 by ric gustafson

On August 12 1980, John and Yoko announce their new album. It is to be called ' Double Fantasy'. They pitched the album as dialog songs. Seven songs were John's. Seven songs were Yoko's. 
37 year old David Geffen is looking forward to talking to Yoko at the Dakota. Geffen was a cofounder of Asylum Records and was a Vice Chairman of Warner Bros Pictures. He had impressive and shrewd business instincts. He knew what he had to do to get the rights to ' Double Fantasy'. 
The day of his meeting with Yoko, Geffen wore all white. It was Yoko's favorite color. He tells Yoko about the top talent at his agency. This included five time Grammy winner Donna Summer. John was already sold on Geffen.
John and Yoko agreed on Geffen Records as long as all their conditions were met. Geffen agreed to all of them including where to record the album. Pleased, John and Yoko sign with Geffen Records. John and Yoko decide to record at the Hit Factory in New York City.
On Sept 10 1980, John and Yoko agree to an interview with Playboy Magazine. Security specialist Doug MacDougall comes and tells John and Yoko his concerns of too many fans are outside the Dakota. He is very concerned about their safety. His concerns are noted by the couple.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 4, 2023

J Lennon page 39

 J Lennon page 39 by ric gustafson

Yoko handed producer Jack Douglas an envelope.
" John wants to do an album". She smiles. " He wants you to listen to these cassettes".
As Douglas listened to them, he was mesmerized. " Their great John".
John got excited. " So you'll take on the project?".
" Of course".
" I have some requirements for the session musicians".
At the Dakota, John meets his new backup musicians.
John meets bass guitar Tony Levin. He meets Hugh McCracken who plays lead guitar. John explains to them that he was a househusband for five years. He tells them he is eager to record.
After the session was over, Douglas and the two others were about to leave.
" Jack". John puts a cassette in the machine. " I've been working on this new song".
Jack listened to the cassette. " It's great John". He smiled. " What's the name of the song?".
" Just Like Starting Over".
Jack grinned. " I think it'll be your first single".

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 3, 2023

First Ladies: Dolley Madison

 First Ladies: Dolley Madison by ric gustafson

Dolley Madison was a flashy first lady. She had superb social skills. Dolley Madison had an unusual background. She was raised as a Quaker. When Dolley's father business failed, Dolley's mother opened a boardinghouse for politicians. Dolley helped run it. Dolley's life turned tragic early. Her husband Alas died from yellow fever. Dolley's new baby died. She became a widow with a young son to take care of.
A few months later, Virginia congressman James Madison asked her out on a date. He was a Founding Father of the new US Constitution and the new Bill of Rights. 
Madison was seventeen years older than Dolley. He was shy and very quiet. Soon after, Dolley and her son joined James at his estate named Montpelier. Dolley was an extrovert with social graces to spare. 
When James became President, Dolley started hosting dinners on Wednesday's. This helped ease a fragile country with the War of 1812 on the horizon. Being an extrovert and her husband an introvert, Dolley was in charge of these Wed dinners. She was short and liked to carry a snuffbox. 
In 1814, the British attacked Washington. The British set the White House on fire. James and Dolley had to move a few blocks away at the Octagon House. Dolley kept the Wed dinners going.
When James Madison died, he and Dolley had been married for 41 years. She mourned him. She moved back to Washington. 
Dolley Madison died at age 81. She had had a stroke. She knew her place in history.

research help: ' America's First Ladies' by Kathleen Krull

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

J Lennon page 38

 J Lennon page 38 by ric gustafson

As the storm raged around the ' Megan Jaye', John Lennon takes the helm. Captain Hank Halsted pats John on the shoulder. " I'll tell you what to do".
As Halsted rests, John is facing down the waves like he does with stage fright. A huge wall of water crashes over him. John grips the wheel. The torrent buckled his knees. As he fought each wave and desperate hour, a revelation came to John. His confidence was coming back.
On June 11, John glided the ' Megan Jaye' into St George's Harbour. The first thing John did was call the Dakota. He tells his assistant Fred Seaman to book a flight to Bermuda. He told Fred to bring Sean and his favorite guitar.
When his four year old son arrived during the day, he played with him on the beach. At night, John recorded songs into two boom boxes. It was time to get back to work.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Heart of God: a sovereign God

 Heart of God: a sovereign God by ric gustafson

God's heart is sovereign. It reigns over all of God's creation. It reigns over you. Proverbs 3 says acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. God makes a promise. If we acknowledge God's sovereignty, God will guide our path. 
How do we follow God's path?. We need to study God's Word. We need to spend time with fellow believers. We need to listen to that inner voice that speaks to us quietly. Above all else, we need to be patient. God is sovereign. He will reveal himself when the time comes.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Heart of God' by Elisabeth Elliot

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

First Ladies: Abigail Adams

 First Ladies: Abigail Adams by ric gustafson

Abigail Adams was a rebellious girl. She lacked a formal education. She read everything she could get her hands on. By 17, she was a well educated woman. 
John Adams was a Harvard graduate who wanted a career in law. Adams was smitten with Abigail and called her ' Miss Adorable'. He began to write her love letters. They were married in 1764 and kept their love letters going. Adams traveled as a lawyer. He represented Massachusetts at meetings of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. While Adams was away, Abigail raised four children and kept the family farm going. She managed their household, their finances and everything else. She homeschooled their children including John Quincy. She also dealt with tragedy with the death of their baby daughter.
Abigail wrote letters to John as he worked on the Declaration of Independence. In 1785, Adams became minister to Great Britain. Abigail joined him. When John Adams became President, Abigail was by his side. She was calm, optimistic and always happy. 
Abigail Adams died at age 73 of typhoid fever. She did not get to see her son John Quincy become our 6th President. President Andrew Jackson's wife Rachel died before he was inaugurated. He never remarried. President Martin Van Buren's wife Hannah died in 1819. He never remarried. President James Buchanan never married. President Chester Arthur's wife Ellen died two years before he became President.

research help: ' America's First Ladies' by Kathleen Krull

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric