Thursday, May 18, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 34

 the miracle on Titanic page 34 by ric gustafson

David opened his eyes from praying. A frightened young woman was sitting right next to him.
" Sir, please help me". Fear showed in her eyes. " I can't find my lifebelt".
A strange noise made people run toward the stern. The grand lights on the ship went dark. The bow of the huge liner was dipping faster into the icy water. David could hear glasses and plates crashing to the floor.
" My name is Abbie Malone". She held onto his arm. " Please help me".
The stern was starting to go straight up into the air. Both of them were hanging onto the stern railing. A large voice was telling David to keep the lifebelt. A small voice was telling him to give her the lifebelt. Now that he was a Christian, the small voice prevailed.
" Here, take my lifebelt". Smiling, David put it on her. " My name is David Sharpston".
They hung on for dear life. Shortly, the stern was straight up in the air.
" I'm so tired". She let go of the railing. " Bless you David".
As the stern began to plunge into the icy water, David began to pray out loud.
" Lord, remember me your servant". 
Just before the stern went completely into the water, David let go of the railing.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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