Monday, May 15, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 31

the miracle on Titanic page 31 by ric gustafson

" Mr Boxhall". Captain Smith petted his hound. " I want you to go below starboard and report back to me as far as damage".
" Aye Sir". He quickly leaves.
" Mr Murdoch, have you already closed the watertight doors?".
" Aye Sir".
A short time later, the Fourth Officer returned. " The Orlop deck is flooded forward of number 4 bulkhead".
" And the mail?".
" The mail clerks are moving the mail to G deck".
Just then, Thomas Andrews walked in.
" How bad is it Mr Andrews?".
" Water will quickly rise to E deck and start to fill the watertight compartments". Mr Andrews frowned. " If it fills up five or more of the compartments, the ship will not float".
Captain Smith stared at Mr Andrews. " How much time do we have?".
" According to my calculations". He gave a sad look. " One hour possibly two at the most".
" I'm going down to the wire room and have them send out a CQD".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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