Wednesday, May 17, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 33

the miracle on Titanic page 33 by ric gustafson

David was holding tightly to Charlene's hand as he led her and David's mother toward one of the lifeboats. A crowd had gathered next to it. David looked around and could not see Charlene's brother. The ship's orchestra was playing some lively songs.
An officer waved a pistol at the crowd. " Women and children only".
Chaos ensued as wives yelled and cried as they were led into the boat.
David helped Charlene and his mother into the boat.
Charlene yelled. " David, I won't leave without you".
David smiled as the ropes began to lower. " We'll be together soon".
The lifeboat was slowly lowered toward the frigid water.
" David, remember your promise to Jesus".
David yelled back. " I will". He began to walk toward the stern of the ship. He could tell that the bow of the huge liner was already tipping downward into the cold water.
Somebody ran by David screaming that the third class passengers were still trapped below.
David sat down on a bench near the stern . He began to pray to God.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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