Monday, May 29, 2023

J Lennon page 4

 J Lennon page 4 by ric gustafson

One night, John was waiting for his mother to come home. She was out visiting John's Aunt Mimi. Also waiting was his mother's common law husband. His name was Bobby Dykins. John's half sisters Julia and Jacqui were asleep upstairs. John felt nervous around his mum's husband.
At 10:00, there was a knock on the front door. It was opened to reveal a policeman. 
The policeman stared at John. " Are you Julia Dykins son?".
" Yes".
" I'm sorry to tell you". His voice hesitated. " Your mother's dead".
Grieving, John couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mum had been struck by a car. She was trying to cross a street to get on a bus. 
John's grief turned to rage. Now he felt truly alone.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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