Sunday, May 14, 2023

the Holy Spirit: light in a dark world

 the Holy Spirit: light in a dark world by ric gustafson

We live in a dark world. Without the light of God's Word, we have to find our own way in the darkness. God has not left his children in the darkness. The Holy Spirit shines a light in this fallen world. Without the Spirit of God, we cannot comprehend God's Word. Before we were saved, we were in spiritual darkness. The light of the Sprit shines in our hearts. 
But we can also refuse to walk in that light from the Spirit. The wisdom of God is a mystery. The Holy Spirit will reveal things to us through God's Word. As Christians, we are anointed. The Spirit of God will give us spiritual direction. 
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit loves us more than anything

research help: ' God in You' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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