Friday, May 5, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 27

 the miracle on Titanic page 27 by ric gustafson

Both Bride and Phillips were working hard on private messages. Then a wire came in. Bride listened to it.
Phillips stared at the young operator. " What is it?".
" It's from the Baltic". He wrote it down. " Greek steamer Athinai reports passing icebergs and lots of field ice".
Phillips picked up a pad. " Where's the location?".
" Latitude 41' 51 North Longitude 49, 52 West".
Bride tore off the wire. " You better give it to Captain Smith".
Phillips walked up to the bridge. " Sir, here is another ice warning".
" Thank you Phillips". Captain Smith put the warning in his shirt pocket. " That will be all".
He walked back to the wire room.
Bride was writing on his pad.
" What did you get now?".
" An ice warning from the German liner Amerika". His voice hesitated. " Large icebergs at Latitude 41'51 North Longitude 50' 8 West". 
" That's a lot of ice warnings".
Bride tore off the wire from the pad. " Should we give this one to the Captain?".
" No". He gave Bride a scared look. " I'm already in enough trouble".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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