Wednesday, May 31, 2023

J Lennon page 6

 J Lennon page 6 by ric gustafson

Allan Williams, a tiny man with a bushy beard, was standing near a juke box at the Jacaranda Club. He watched as a young man approached him. " Hi John".
" Hi Allan". Lennon smiled. " My group needs a favor".
" A favor". He frowned. " What group?".
" My group". He smiled. " The Beatles".
" Beatles?".
" Yes, I love Buddy Holly and the Crickets".
" Who is in your group?".
" Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Stuart Sutcliffe".
" What's the favor John?".
" We'd like to audition and play for you three songs".
" Sure". He scratched his chin". " If I were you I would change your name to Long John and the Silver Beatles".
" Ok".
They failed the audition. They needed a lot more practice.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

J Lennon page 5

 J Lennon page 5 by ric gustafson

Mark Chapman opened his suitcase. He glanced around the sparse YMCA room. It only had a single bed and a black and white TV. Chapman took out a 38 caliber Charter Arms. It was similiar to a snub nose Smith and Wesson. He began to practice getting into a combat stance.
He was angry at John Lennon. Lennon had boasted that the Beatles were bigger than Jesus. In Chapman's mind, he had to be killed. He wrote songs about peace and love. To Chapman, John Lennon was a phony. 
Later, Chapman thought about himself outside the Dakota. When Lennon arrived, Chapman would have him sign an album. When Lennon walked toward the entrance of the Dakota, Chapman would get into his combat stance. Then he would fire five times into his back. No more John Lennon.
Chapman put on his Russian hat. He put the revolver into a pocket of his coat. He smiled as he left the room. All is well.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Battlefield of the Mind: my feelings

 Battlefield of the Mind: my feelings by ric gustafson

Sometimes we say to ourselves ' I can't help the way I feel'. It's like those feelings are a fact of life. Sometimes we allow our feelings to determine how we make decisions. 
Sometimes we wonder if God is working in our life. The truth is that God is always working in our lives. We listen to Satan's voice not God's. The apostle Paul says in Romans 10, believe in our heart and confess with our lips. God tells us to think good thoughts not bad.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 29, 2023

Battlefield of the Mind: no hope

 Battlefield of the Mind: no hope by ric gustafson

Everyone has goals and desires in life. Sometimes they are completed. Sometimes they are not. Why do we not complete our dreams?. Satan tries to put negative thoughts and words into our mind. He tries to make us feel hopeless. Discouragement destroys hope. Failure brings more failure. Certain thoughts prepare us to fail. When we cannot change our thoughts, Satan has won. God does not condemn us. We condemn ourselves. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit love us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Battlefield of the Mind: no condemnation

 Battlefield of the Mind: no condemnation by ric gustafson

According to Romans 8, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God forgives any sin. It is easy to have a lack of faith in a loving caring God. It is easy to feel dejected and wonder if God loves us enough. 
Satan tries to tell us all the time that we have failed God and that God is angry with us. We all fall spiritually. But God holds our hand and helps us back up. Satan will spend all of his time trying to trip us up spiritually. We are free in Jesus and do not have to listen to condemnation. We will fail. But we are not failures. In Jesus's eyes, we are strong not weak.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

J Lennon page 4

 J Lennon page 4 by ric gustafson

One night, John was waiting for his mother to come home. She was out visiting John's Aunt Mimi. Also waiting was his mother's common law husband. His name was Bobby Dykins. John's half sisters Julia and Jacqui were asleep upstairs. John felt nervous around his mum's husband.
At 10:00, there was a knock on the front door. It was opened to reveal a policeman. 
The policeman stared at John. " Are you Julia Dykins son?".
" Yes".
" I'm sorry to tell you". His voice hesitated. " Your mother's dead".
Grieving, John couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mum had been struck by a car. She was trying to cross a street to get on a bus. 
John's grief turned to rage. Now he felt truly alone.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 28, 2023

J Lennon page 3

 J Lennon page 3 by ric gustafson

John could hear his Aunt Mimi knocking on his bedroom door.
" John, your friend's here".
John walked into the kitchen. There was his new friend Paul McCartney. He was holding a guitar.
When they could hear John's aunt leave, the two would run upstairs. There they began to listen to Little Richard records. They loved his songs like ' Tutti Frutti' and ' Long Tall Sally". They worked on chord progressions like C, F, and G G7.
To them, their God was Elvis Presley. They did not just listen to his records. They tried to figure out the chords to ' Blue Moon'. They figured out the progression was C, A mnor, F and G.
John was elated to find a friend who loved playing guitar as much as he did. 
They agreed to start meeting every weekday except Mondays.
The next time they meet, Paul showed John his songwriting technique. He told John that he started with a chord shape, musical phrase or words. The first three songs they wrote together were ' Too Bad About Sorrows' ' Just Fun' and ' Because I Know You Love Me So'.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Battlefield of the Mind: Suffering

 Battlefield of the Mind: Suffering by ric gustafson

We ask God " Why do we have to suffer?". " Why do bad things happen to us?". We know we are needy. Jesus wants us to come to him in love. Only Jesus can feed our needs. We will suffer at times. Yes we will suffer. Suffering results in thanksgiving. Jesus speaks to us and comforts us. We need to be thankful. As believers, we will have suffering and victories. Job suffered and then had victories.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Battlefield of the Mind: Little by Little

 Battlefield of the Mind: Little by Little by ric gustafson

God will not have us take huge steps on our spiritual journey. God will hold our hand as we take small steps. To have a victorious life, we need to inch forward little by little. This inching forward takes years and years. For the battlefield of our mind, we defeat Satan one small battle at a time. God has blessings for us if we will keep going forward. Moving ahead little by little, we savor every victory.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

J Lennon page 2

 J Lennon page 2 by ric gustafson

Paul McCartney watched the young man on stage. It was a hot day in July 1957. On an outside stage playing was a group called the Quarry Men. The 15 year old McCartney was watching a young man playing a doo wop song by the Del Vikings. John Lennon was wearing a knee length coat, a checkered shirt and black drainpipe jeans.
Paul watched as Lennon began to play a Gene Vincent cover. Paul could see that this Lennon was confident, cocky and a local Teddy Boy. Inside the church's hall, John asked Paul to play something on his guitar. 
Paul began to play a song he had just learned. He began to play ' Twenty Flight Rock' by Eddie Cochran. 
Impressed, John asked Paul to join them for a gig in Northern Liverpool.
Paul right away said yes.

research help: ' The last days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Battlefield of the Mind: I can't help it

 Battlefield of the Mind: I can't help it by ric gustafson

It's easy to say I can't help it. It takes real faith to say I will take responsibility and straighten out my life. We can avoid our issues. We can hide from our wrong ways. When we have wrong thoughts, attitudes and words, it is a problem in our soul. We do not have to live in the past. God's Word says forget and let it go. 
We have control of our minds. To make changes, we must fight a battle. Our mind is a battlefield. Satan uses our thoughts. Jesus will give us the victory. We can choose good or bad thoughts. Jesus wants us to choose good thoughts over bad ones. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind Devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 22, 2023

J Lennon page 1

 J Lennon page 1 by ric gustafson

The young man stood by the luggage carousel. He was wearing aviator style eyeglasses. He looked around. He smiled. Nobody was paying any attention to him. He picked up his suitcase. He walked outside.
He dropped his suitcase. He hailed a cab. He glanced at his suitcase. Inside was a 38 special revolver and five hollow point Smith and Wesson bullets. One of the hollow point bullets was enough to kill someone.
A cab pulls up. The driver puts the bag in the trunk.
The young man gets in the cab. " West Side YMCA please".
When they reach their destination, the cab driver retrieves his bag from the trunk.
" I'm Mark Chapman". He pays the driver. " Remember my name".

research help: ' The last days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Battlefield of the Mind: don't quit

 Battlefield of the Mind: don't quit by ric gustafson

We have all failed God. No one is perfect. Satan wants us to lament our sins and being weak. The Holy Spirit tells us that God loves us no matter how many times we mess up. When we constantly think of our shortcomings, Satan can make advances in our mind. When we think we are losers, Satan can gain a stronghold in us.
Isaiah 43 says I have called you by name you are mine. That is God's promise. He does not promise that we will not have troubles or hardships. He does promise that he will be there with us and help us through them. Why? because God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind Devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beyond Titanic page 3

 Beyond Titanic page 3 by ric gustafson

Charlene was looking out the window of the train. She could not wait to see her family in California. She was alone in the car except for an older gentleman sitting across from her. Just then, an older woman was standing in the doorway.
" Charlene Moton".
" Yes".
" I am Betty from the Catholic Women's League".
" Nice to meet you".
" I'm going around making sure all the Titanic survivors are doing ok".
" I'm doing ok".
She smiled and left.
The gentleman looked at Charlene. " You are one of those Titanic survivors".
" I am".
" Did you lose someone special?".
Charlene thought of David. " I did".
" Never forget the ones you love".
A tear came to Charlene's eyes.
He was right.
David, I will never forget you.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beyond Titanic page 2

 Beyond Titanic page 2 by ric gustafson

Charlene yawned as she looked around the dining room. Sunlight was beginning to come through the windows. She was eating breakfast with some of the other Titanic widows. She was given some clothes from the Salvation Army. She was given a waiver for damages and some money so she could return home.
Later after the inquiry was over, she was anxious to return home. As she was leaving, a young man walked up to her. She smiled. It was the young wireless operator from the Titanic.
" My name is Harold Bride".
They embraced.
" I'm Charlene Moton".
The young man thought for a moment. " You were with someone on board?".
" Actually my brother and someone I had met on the ship".
" Young man?".
" His name was David Sharpston".
" Did either of them survive?".
Tears began to form in her eyes. " No".
They embraced again.
" I'm sorry, he was a nice young man".
" Yes he was".
" Have a safe trip back home".
" Thank you".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 19, 2023

Beyond Titanic page 1

 Beyond Titanic page 1 by ric gustafson

Charlene stared at the New York skyline. It was a typical April night. It was rainy and cold. She watched as the Carpathia was nearing the pier. Several motorboats were nearby. Later, as she walked down the gangway from the ship the voices started.
" One hundred dollars for an exclusive".
She kept walking. 
" Easist money you will ever make".
Charlene walked to the start of the Cunard pier. A large crowd had gathered. She quickly looked around. Just like on the Carpathia, she did not see David. With the other survivors, she was led to a building that was filled with donated clothing. She picked out a wool dress and stockings. Then she was placed in a cab and taken to the Hotel Montreal.
In the lobby, she was greeted by a representative of the White Star Line.
" You are to remain in New York". He frowned. " In case you're called to testify at the Titanic inquiry".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 18, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 35

 the miracle on Titanic page 35 by ric gustafson

Charlene tiredly sat against a pole. 
A Countess handed her a bowl of soup. Hundreds of people were milling around the deck. The Countess smiled at Charlene as she handed out more soup. " Are you looking for someone?".
" I have been looking for a young man". She tiredly looked around. " His name is David Sharpston".
She kept handing out soup. " I'm sorry I don't recognize that name".
Charlene tiredly stood up. " I'm going to keep looking for him".
" Good luck to you". The Countess frowned. " Too much tragedy here".
Charlene began to walk. 
She remembered David's last words to her as she was lowered in the boat. " We'll be together soon".
Tears began to form in her tired eyes. 
She was going to keep looking.

The End.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 34

 the miracle on Titanic page 34 by ric gustafson

David opened his eyes from praying. A frightened young woman was sitting right next to him.
" Sir, please help me". Fear showed in her eyes. " I can't find my lifebelt".
A strange noise made people run toward the stern. The grand lights on the ship went dark. The bow of the huge liner was dipping faster into the icy water. David could hear glasses and plates crashing to the floor.
" My name is Abbie Malone". She held onto his arm. " Please help me".
The stern was starting to go straight up into the air. Both of them were hanging onto the stern railing. A large voice was telling David to keep the lifebelt. A small voice was telling him to give her the lifebelt. Now that he was a Christian, the small voice prevailed.
" Here, take my lifebelt". Smiling, David put it on her. " My name is David Sharpston".
They hung on for dear life. Shortly, the stern was straight up in the air.
" I'm so tired". She let go of the railing. " Bless you David".
As the stern began to plunge into the icy water, David began to pray out loud.
" Lord, remember me your servant". 
Just before the stern went completely into the water, David let go of the railing.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Battlefield of the mind: known by our fruit

 Battlefield of the mind: known by our fruit by ric gustafson

We need to ask ourselves " what is going on inside of me?". Jesus said out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks. We can allow Satan to fill our mind with harsh thoughts. Everything begins with a thought.
People can see the fruit of our lives. When thoughts fill our mind, it produces fruit. If negative unkind thoughts fill our mind, it produces bad fruit. If we fellowship with God daily and let him plant good seeds in our mind, we will produce good fruit. Which fruit do you choose?.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 33

the miracle on Titanic page 33 by ric gustafson

David was holding tightly to Charlene's hand as he led her and David's mother toward one of the lifeboats. A crowd had gathered next to it. David looked around and could not see Charlene's brother. The ship's orchestra was playing some lively songs.
An officer waved a pistol at the crowd. " Women and children only".
Chaos ensued as wives yelled and cried as they were led into the boat.
David helped Charlene and his mother into the boat.
Charlene yelled. " David, I won't leave without you".
David smiled as the ropes began to lower. " We'll be together soon".
The lifeboat was slowly lowered toward the frigid water.
" David, remember your promise to Jesus".
David yelled back. " I will". He began to walk toward the stern of the ship. He could tell that the bow of the huge liner was already tipping downward into the cold water.
Somebody ran by David screaming that the third class passengers were still trapped below.
David sat down on a bench near the stern . He began to pray to God.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 32

 the miracle on Titanic page 32 by ric gustafson

Someone banged on David's door. 
He opened it. "Yes".
An officer frowned. " Please put your lifebelt on and follow me".
David put on the belt. He walked up to the boat deck. He noticed officers were starting to take the tarps off of the lifeboats. He noticed that Mr Boxhall was shooting a distress rocket into the cold night sky. Worry came over David. He ran back downstairs.
He knocked on his mother's door.
She opened it with a hesitant look. "David, what is going on?".
" Mother, you need to put on your lifebelt".
" David, what is going on?".
" You need to follow me up to the boat deck".
" David, I'm not properly dressed".
David handed her one of her furs." Mother, we need to go now".
She put on the fur and lifebelt. She followed her son out into the chaotic hallway.
They stopped at a room. David banged on the door.
Charlene opened the door. " What's wrong David?".
" You and your brother need to follow Mother and I up to the boat deck".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 15, 2023

Battlefield of the mind: right thinking

 Battlefield of the Mind: right thinking by ric gustafson

God knows we have problems. God knows we have troubles. But God wants us to ask for help. God wants us to ask him for help often. We would like to take care of our problems ourselves. Willpower alone will not work. We need the Holy Spirit to strengthen us. God wants to help us. He must be inviited first. We must ask for God's help through prayer. We must come to God with right thinking. Then he will help us. He promises that he will do that. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 31

the miracle on Titanic page 31 by ric gustafson

" Mr Boxhall". Captain Smith petted his hound. " I want you to go below starboard and report back to me as far as damage".
" Aye Sir". He quickly leaves.
" Mr Murdoch, have you already closed the watertight doors?".
" Aye Sir".
A short time later, the Fourth Officer returned. " The Orlop deck is flooded forward of number 4 bulkhead".
" And the mail?".
" The mail clerks are moving the mail to G deck".
Just then, Thomas Andrews walked in.
" How bad is it Mr Andrews?".
" Water will quickly rise to E deck and start to fill the watertight compartments". Mr Andrews frowned. " If it fills up five or more of the compartments, the ship will not float".
Captain Smith stared at Mr Andrews. " How much time do we have?".
" According to my calculations". He gave a sad look. " One hour possibly two at the most".
" I'm going down to the wire room and have them send out a CQD".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 14, 2023

the Holy Spirit: light in a dark world

 the Holy Spirit: light in a dark world by ric gustafson

We live in a dark world. Without the light of God's Word, we have to find our own way in the darkness. God has not left his children in the darkness. The Holy Spirit shines a light in this fallen world. Without the Spirit of God, we cannot comprehend God's Word. Before we were saved, we were in spiritual darkness. The light of the Sprit shines in our hearts. 
But we can also refuse to walk in that light from the Spirit. The wisdom of God is a mystery. The Holy Spirit will reveal things to us through God's Word. As Christians, we are anointed. The Spirit of God will give us spiritual direction. 
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit loves us more than anything

research help: ' God in You' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Battlefield of the mind: know the truth

 Battlefield of the Mind: know the truth by ric gustafson

Satan loves to tell us fake lies. That we are not loved by God. According to John 8, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Satan tells us we are nothing and that we are worth nothing. The truth is that in Jesus's mind, we are very important to the kingdom. We can learn truth by reading God's Word. We can learn truth through prayer. We can with God's help break down Satan's strongholds in our life.
God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit love us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 12, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 30

 the miracle on Titanic page 30 by ric gustafson

Sixth Officer Moody heard the bell ring three times. He picked up the Crow's Nest phone.
Fleet's voice was clear and to the point. " Iceberg right ahead".
Moody hung up the phone. " Mr Murdoch, iceberg right ahead".
First Officer Murdoch yelled to the helmsman. " Hard astarboard".
The yeoman swung the wheel to the right.
Murdoch yelled to Moody. " All stop, full speed astern".
Moody swung the handle of the telegraph to all stop. He moved the handle to full astern.
Both officers knew they could not avoid the iceberg.
David opened his eyes. He heard a strange scraping noise on the starboard side. He got up and walked to the window. He noticed a dark mass go by. Ice chunks were dropping unto the Forward Well Deck.
" Hard aport" Murdoch yelled.
Just then, a tired looking Captain Smith appeared on the bridge. He looked at the First Officer. " Mr Murdoch, what have we struck?".
" An iceberg Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 11, 2023

the Holy Spirit: filling of the Spirit

 the Holy Spirit: filling of the Spirit by ric gustafson

Holy Scripture has standards. God's Word says to be humble and gentle. God's word says rejoice always and pray without ceasing. God's Word says to do good to those who hate you and pray for those who persecute you. 
Being filled with the Holy Spirit starts with desire. Being filled with the Spirit starts with a holy hunger in our heart. With the Holy Spirit, we can have a hunger and thirst to know God and grow in him. When we hunger and thirst for Jesus, we can be happy. We need to cleanse our hearts through Jesus's blood. We need to yield to the Spirit's control. We need to depend daily in God's Spirit. 
Being filled with the Spirit will give us a different way of speaking, singing, giving thanks and serving.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit love us more than anything else.

research help: ' God in You' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Battlefield of the Mind: the Devil's lies

 Battlefield of the Mind: the Devil's lies by ric gustafson

The Devil lies. Satan cannot speak the truth. Lies pop into our head. Sometimes lies come through other people. Satan loves it when we listen to his lies. God says use my Word to defeat Satan's lies. God says reject Satan's voice and lies.
According to John 10, Jesus came that we might have and enjoy our lives abundantly. We can fight and win the battles Satan sends to us. When negative and ugly thoughts come into our mind, we can learn to stop those thoughts. When we win a battle against Satan, it gets easier.
Jesus gives us the weapons to defeat Satan. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind Devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

the Holy Spirit: Baptism of the Spirit

 the Holy Spirit: Baptism of the Spirit by ric gustafson

According to Acts 11, John indeed baptized with water but you shall be baptized wtih the Holy Spirit. This is the Spirit Baptism. It happened on the Day of Pentecost. When we were baptized into Jesus, we were baptized into his death. We are baptized into Jesus by the Holy Spirit. We are all sons of God through faith in Jesus according to Galatians 3. The baptism of the Holy Spirit happened on the Day of Pentecosr. 
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the work of God by which the believing sinner is placed by the Spirit into the body of Christ at the moment of conversion. When we were saved, we received the baptism. The Spirit's baptism is a unique work of God. 

research help: ' God in You' by David Jeremiah 

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Battlefield of the Mind: well laid plans

 Battlefield of the Mind: well laid plans by ric gustafson

In life we make choices. Some are good choices. Some are not. Satan is always working in our lives. He starts with patterns of nagging thoughts, doubts and fears. He takes his time because he has well laid plans for us. Satan is never in a hurry. The start of Satan's battlefield of our mind starts with little things. Satan works slowly and in small ways. He only needs an opening and then he'll stay inside our mind.
But God says that wrong thoughts do not have to take up residence in our heads. The Apostle Paul in II Corinthians  10 says we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ. Jesus says cry out to me for victory. Jesus says bring every thought into obedience. Jesus will not let Satan steal your victory.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind Devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 8, 2023

Battlefield of the Mind: the Invitation

 Battlefield of the Mind: the Invitation by ric gustafson

Satan sends us a letter. It invites us to a life of worry, misery and confusion. Will we choose that life?. Satan is persistent. We are always in warfare. As long as we are here, it will always be Satan's battlefield. Playing with our minds started in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3 was the first attack and Satan won. Satan promised that we would be like God. We will know good from evil.
The truth is that we have the Holy Spirit in our lives. We can win. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit will help us. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit love us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind Devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 29

 the miracle on Titanic page 29 by ric gustafson

Bride took off his headphones. He closed his eyes for a moment. He put the headphones back on. Just then, a warning came in. He wrote it down. " From Mesaba to Titanic heavy pack ice, large bergs and field ice Latitude 42' North to 41' 25' North Longitude 49' West to 50' 30' West". Frustrated  because he had a lot more personal messages to send, he put the warning on top of the other messages.
It was now 9:30 pm. David and his mother were walking on the boat deck. The water was calm. It was a lot colder out than earlier. Hardly anybody was out walking.
" I'm proud of you David".
" Why is that?".
" For giving your life to Jesus".
" It seems like my life has totally changed since this morning".
" That's the Holy Spirit working in your heart".
" I can feel it".
" David, I'm starting to really get cold". She began to shiver. " Can you please take me back to my room?".
" Sure".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Holy Spirit: born of the Spirit

 the Holy Spirit: born of the Spirit by ric gustafson

In John 3, Jesus was having a conversation with a Pharisee. It took place at night. His name was Nicodemus. Jesus told him he cannot see the kingdom of God unless he was born again. Nicodemus was a smart and bright man. He was a respected scholar.
But Nicodemus was lost. Born again?. Born of the Spirit?. According to Jesus, everyone has two birthdays. The first is for time. The second birthday is to be born again. Jesus told Nicodemus that the wind blows where it wishes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.  The Holy Spirit loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God in You' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 7, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 28

 the miracle on Titanic page 28 by ric gustafson

Second Officer Lightoller entered the bridge. The time was 5:50 pm. He yawned. He knew his watch was going to last until 10:00. Lightoller was a career seaman. He had been with the White Star Line for twelve years. Sixth Officer Moody was also on the bridge.
" Mr Moody". Lightoller glanced at a chart. " Do you know when we will reach 42' North to 49' to 51' degrees West".
The young officer, who was in his mid twenties, picked up a chart. " I believe around 11:00 Sir".
Just then, Wire Operator Harold Bride ran in. " Sir, a wire from the Californian".
Lightoller looked at the wire. " They are reporting three large bergs ahead of us".
Lightoller handed the wire to Officer Moody. " Mr Moody, will you please take this wire to Captain Smith". He stared at the young wire operator. " Mr Bride, if you receive any more ice warnings". He frowned. " Please give them to me immediately".
" Aye Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Holy Spirit: attributes of the Spirit

 the Holy Spirit: attributes of the Spirit by ric gustafson

Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot be saved. Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot have assurance. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot become holy. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot understand God's Word. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot pray. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot serve God. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot witness. We should not be ignorant about the Holy Spirit. We should not be indifferent toward the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit is a person. The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is a Comforter. The Holy Spirit loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God in You' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 6, 2023

the Holy Spirit: the promise of the Spirit

 the Holy Spirit: the promise of the Spirit by ric gustafson

In John 14, Jesus says he who believes in me the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do. What does he mean by greater works and greater miracles than he performed?. In John 14, Jesus said we would do greater works because he was going to his Father. In John 16, Jesus says if I do not go away the Helper would not come. 
We have a greater message. We have a greater ministry. We can do greater works. We can do greater miracles. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God in you' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 5, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 27

 the miracle on Titanic page 27 by ric gustafson

Both Bride and Phillips were working hard on private messages. Then a wire came in. Bride listened to it.
Phillips stared at the young operator. " What is it?".
" It's from the Baltic". He wrote it down. " Greek steamer Athinai reports passing icebergs and lots of field ice".
Phillips picked up a pad. " Where's the location?".
" Latitude 41' 51 North Longitude 49, 52 West".
Bride tore off the wire. " You better give it to Captain Smith".
Phillips walked up to the bridge. " Sir, here is another ice warning".
" Thank you Phillips". Captain Smith put the warning in his shirt pocket. " That will be all".
He walked back to the wire room.
Bride was writing on his pad.
" What did you get now?".
" An ice warning from the German liner Amerika". His voice hesitated. " Large icebergs at Latitude 41'51 North Longitude 50' 8 West". 
" That's a lot of ice warnings".
Bride tore off the wire from the pad. " Should we give this one to the Captain?".
" No". He gave Bride a scared look. " I'm already in enough trouble".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 4, 2023

the Holy Spirit: the Spirit as a gift giver

 the Holy Spirit: the Spirit as a gift giver by ric gustafson

According to I Corinthians 12, the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. Why is the Holy Spirit the ultimate gift giver. According to this chapter, all spiritual gifts are the work of one and the same Spirit. When Jesus gives gifts to his church, it is through the Holy Spirit. Gifts through the Spirit are the grace of God. When spiritual gifts are given, they must be used wisely. 
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit love us more than anything else.

research help: ' Help Is Here' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 26

 the miracle on Titanic page 26 by ric gustafson

Reverend Rossup entered the first class dining room. He noticed David and Charlene sitting at one of the tables. " Good morning to the two of you".
" Reverend". Charlene held tightly onto David's arm. " David would like to ask you something".
He spoke as he put his robe on. " What did you want to ask me?".
" Reverend ". He smiled. " After the service ends, I want to give my life to Jesus".
" It will be an honor".
The church service pleased David and Charlene. The ship's orchestra provided the music. Captain Smith led everyone into a hymn of the Sea.
After the service. David knelt next to Charlene and Reverend Rossup.
" David, just simply say Lord please come into my life".
" Lord, please come into my life".
" Lord, I give you my life please make it your own".
" Lord, I give you my life please make it your own".
" Lord, I repent of all of my sins".
" Lord, I repent of all of my sins".
" Lord, you are in charge of my life from this day forward"
" Lord, you are in charge of my life from this day forward".
" Amen".
" Amen".
David looked up at Charlene. Tears of joy were streaming down his face.
" David, welcome to the family of God".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 25

 the miracle on Titanic page 25 by ric gustafson

Jack Phillips nervously took the wire out of his pocket. He gave it to Captain Smith. " Captain, I have an ice warning for you".
The Captain opened the wire and read it. " It is a warning from the Caronia". He gave the wireless operator a stern stare. " This was dated two days ago".
" Sorry Sir".
" Any more ice warnings need to be given to me at once". He stared at the scared operator. " Understood".
" Aye Sir". He quickly walked back to the cramped wire room.
Bride was busy sending out personal messages. 
" How is it going?".
" Terrible" replied the young operator. " Look at this huge stack of messages I still have to send".
" Why is that?".
" The machine was down until 5 this morning". He held up the stack of messages. " I still have all these messages to do".
" If you get any more ice warnings". Phillips sat down in his chair. " Captain Smith wants to see them right away".
" Ok".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 1, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 24

 the miracle on Titanic page 24 by ric gustafson

Second Officer Lightoller was standing at the bridge railing. Fourth Officer Boxhall was studying his charts. " Have we had any reports of ice?".
" A couple". He put down his charts. " One was a French liner that sustained minor damage".
" Where was that?".
" It was a large ice field 46 degrees North to 41 degrees North and from 46 degrees West to 50 degrees West".
The Second Officer glanced at the chart. " Our ship will be passing right through that ice field".
" According to our present course". Boxhall frowned. " Yes, we will be".
Just then, Captain Smith stepped onto the bridge. " How is everything going?".
" Fine Captain". The Second Officer grinned. " The ocean tonight is a quiet one".
" Good". He turned to the Fourth Officer. " Any new reports of ice?".
Mr Boxhall grinned. " No Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric