Sunday, November 6, 2022

Ringo page 3

 Ringo page 3 by ric gustafson

It was in 1954 that Richy Starkey found his gift. He was confined to his bed for long periods of time. This was at Heswall Children's Hospital. Richy was now a teenager and he was confined to the TB ward at the hospital. He was in the boy's ward recurring from tuberculosis. Years later, he vividly remembered two people in his recovery. One was Sister Clark. The other was a nurse. 
It was during this recovery that Richy was  given a drum. He loved it from the beginning. He was constantly banging away on it.  Richy made homemade drumsticks from cardboard. Richy and a friend made drums from metal lockers. 
In 1955, Richy was discharged from the hospital. Now 15 instead of returning to school, Richy began looking for work. He registered with the local Youth Employment office in Liverpool. His first job was as a messenger boy for British Railways. He made fifty bob a week. The job lasted five weeks. His next job was tending bar on a pleasure steamer. That job lasted six weeks. His next job was an engineering and manufacturing firm in Liverpool. His job was a apprentice joiner.
At this time, a new craze started in Liverpool that would change Richy's life forever.

research help: ' Ringo with a little help: by Michael Seth Starr

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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