Monday, November 14, 2022

Marley page 1

 Marley page 1 by ric gustafson

Young Ebenezer Scrooge was working on a series of sums. He squinted in the dying light.
A boy walked in. He put a document on the small table.
" Ebenezer". Jacob Marley smiled. " You're not going to like this".
It was a lawsuit against Ebenezer's professor.
Marley grinned. " Luckily the professor hasn't seen it yet".
Ebenezer glanced at the document. " It says I caused damage to Mr Stumps property".
Marley gave him a strange look. " Well did you?".
" Of course not".
Marley shook his head. " The problem is that your name is on the suit".
" So what do we do?".
" We will make an offer". Marley smiled. " And then work out terms".
" Ok".

research help: ' Marley' by Jon Clinch

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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