Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Ringo page 1

 Ringo page 1 by ric gustafson

In July 1940, it was warm in Northern England. At 9 Madryn Street Liverpool 8 Richard Starkey was wailing and kicking. It was July 7 1940 and he was a week later than expected. Richard weighed 10 pounds. He was born at home not in a hospital. Richard was to be Richard and Elsie Starkey's only child.
It was cheaper to have the baby at home. 
Richard's father was a baker who worked at Cooper's Bakery in Liverpool. He and Elsie married in 1936. They lived in an area called the Dingle. This area was in the southern part of Liverpool. It was close to the docks filled with sailors and workers loading and unloading supply ships. The Dingle also had the reputation of being one of the toughest areas in Liverpool. The area was tight knit where everybody watched each other.
The house at 9 Madryn Street was typical of the Dingle. There was a front room, a tiny kitchen and three small rooms upstairs. The toilet was located outside in the backyard. Richard's parents were natives from Liverpool. Richard's grandfather changed his name from John Parkin to John Starkey. When Richard was born, everyone began to call him Richy.

research help: ' Ringo with a little help' by Michael Seth Starr

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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