Thursday, November 3, 2022

Ringo page 2

 Ringo page 2 by ric gustafson

In 1945, Richy and his mother moved to Number 10 Admiral Grove. Richy started classes at St Silas Primary. Richy's first teacher was Enid Williams. After a year, six and a half year old Richy had a burst appendix. He was taken to the Myrtle Street Children's Hospital. He was diagnosed with peritonitis. He was rushed into surgery and had his appendix removed. In 1947, it was a complicated and risky operation. He was lucky to survive. Even Richy's father came to see him. Richy was in the hospital for almost a year.
While he was in the hospital, Richy turned 7. 
He had to recuperate for another 12 months before he could return to school. A friend from across the street helped Elsie with Richy while she worked. Marie helped Richy catch up in school. Richy loved Gene Autry. Elsie worked several jobs to support her and Richy. 
Richy's second school was Dingle Vale Secondary Modern. Elsie became interested in a man named Harry Graves. Richy's actual father was mostly out of the picture by this time. At the age of 13, Richy was again in the hospital this time for pleurisy. It was while he was recovering at Heswall Children's Hospital that the most important thing in his life happened.

research help: ' Ringo with a little help' by Michael Seth Starr

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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